I abandoned ABRP from the very beginning, I am sure it tries to make more efficient use of your time but I couldn't see the point in stopping for 18 minutes (just as an example) to charge a small amount then stop again later.
The journey was calculated at 366 miles so we decided to break it up into 100 mile segments and fully charge at a rapid each time. Cruise control (CC) set at 65mph (occasionally up to 70) and the Accumulated total reset at each charge. With the CC set at this the miles/kWh was showing 2.7 to 2.9 for each leg. Given the weather, CC setting, radio heater etc then I was not to concerned.
We used Instavolt, Osprey and BP Pulse on the outward journey and had decided on these as they were all roughly the same price and would accept contactless (Google Pay) payment, as I said previously I objected to downloading and being forced to set up accounts just to charge the car (I don't have to with an ICE so why make me, yes I know the answer it is a rhetorical question).
As the range dropped to about 50 miles SWMBO used WattsUp to see what chargers were coming up en-route within about 20 to 30 miles and we headed for those after checking on Zap Map for device issues and comments. I got frustrated with WattsUp that you couldn't tap on the charging station in the list to see what amenities were nearby or details. I don't know whether that was my failing or I wanted more from the app
Every one was fortunately available when we arrived and charging was as simple as it could be after tapping my phone and following the simple instructions. At each stop we went for a walk, toilet, and breakfast or lunch, not clock watching and returning leisurely to a fully charged car. As a point of interest we visited places that previously we would have driven past so got to see some sights that were just overlooked previously.
I made sure we charged fully at Gretna as there are almost no rapids just off the M74 all the way up to Hamilton.
While in Scotland we made use of the generosity of my fellow Scots and used the free Chargeplace Scotland system via the Charge Your Car app. I was quite surprised to find the rapids were free as well as the fast chargers.
Return journey was a similar experience with no issues, better weather and I had the CC set at 60 most of the time and the miles/kWh stayed up above 3.5. This time I did not reset the accumulated total each time so all the GOM calculations were made based on the previous driving stats.
We made use of the MFG BP Garage Crow Orchard site and again a faultless experience, ourselves and a van and plenty of spare capacity. These are 150 kW chargers and the cost comparable to the others we had been using. I will have to remember this site when I get my Skoda (with optional 100kw charging)
All motorway journeys were in ECO and no electricity spared while Normal was used at all other times.
No problems at all and we loved it
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