I did exactly this, I did actually go a step further in the beginning by designing my own wallbox using an Arduino and a few more components. That's another story though. There are lots of people that will say dont do it etc, get an expert, they should remember the Titanic was built be experts, the Ark by an amateur

. With the right approach, research in place and a thorough understanding the work can safely be done. If you really want to have an expert do the job, minimise the cost by running the cable, mounting the wallbox and terminating the cable into the wallbox. Leaving only the connection to the consumer unit and testing to be done by an 'expert'.
An area of confusion with wallboxes hinges around the earthing which can be dependent on your house earthing arrangements. There are a few wallboxes on the market now that have PEN fault detection which removes this confusion. As you have solar I would recommend a MyEnergi Zappi (I have one of these now), it integrates really well with solar PV, has the simple earthing arrangements and is a very robust and reliable unit. The support from MyEnergi is really good and integration to smart tariffs like Octopus Intelligent is underway.
So far as installation goes, a twin+earth to your consumer unit of suitable size (dependent on length), I used 10mm2 twin and earth to minimise volts drop along the cable length. You should of course notify your Distribution Network Operator (DNO) that a wallbox is being fitted, you may also need your service head fuse uprating, often 60 amp fuses are installed, sometimes 80 amps ideally you need to have 100 amps. That said, Zappi has the facility where you can set the maximum input current for your supply, if the total input approaches the limit set the Zappi reduces the charging current to the EV. The DNO will uprate your supply fuse, usually free of charge if your supply cable and route is suitable (it usually is).
Zappi can be bought online at trade prices from the likes of Tradesparky
from time to time they can also be found on Amazon and eBay at very good prices.
Do let us know what you decide and how you get on.