I have left my accumulated trip mileage alone now ( unrest ) for a number of weeks and numerous trips.
It has clocked up nearly 2,000 miles and the average consumption of around 4.5 m/kWh.
It is regularly reporting around 200 miles of range on the GOM after a full charge and balance.
Of course the 200 miles of actual range is not achievable, as we are aware.
But I have been making a mental note of the reporting range in actual distance covered to the GOM prediction.
I have found that over this time period, that resetting the trips back to zero when commencing a long trip, gives a more realistic estimate of your actual achievable range.
After 15 months of ownership and 12,000 miles covered, I have regularly seen the low orange early HV battery light, come on at around 35 miles remaining mark.
But on two trips recently, this warning has been given at around 48 miles remaining.
So, today the low battery warning

was again given at 46 miles remaining.
I reached into the settings, and reset the accumulative mileage, while still on the move.
Instantly, the remaining predicted mileage remaining on the GOM reduced by almost 10 miles, back to the expected figure of 35 miles remaining.
From this I can conclude, that the accumulative trip, left unrest over a longer time and distance, CAN be guilt over predicted just how far you CAN really travel.
We returned home with 26 miles of range on the GOM.
I will charge over night and I am absolutely sure, the predicted range on the GOM will not be over 200 miles of predicted range in the morning, now I have reset the trips !.
If I was going to make a journey that is likely to challenge the range of the car, without the provision to receive a charge.
Then personally, I would be resetting my trips prior to starting the journey !.
I will be making one of these trips on Friday.
It is nice to see a predicted range of over 200 miles on the GOM when first powering up the car of course, but remember it is only PREDICTION !.