When we picked up our new MG4 51 on Tuesday (yes, we have 3 of them now) the dealership sold my wife on paint protection and tinted windows ... for another $2,000 thankyou very much
When we picked up the car, they told us not to wash it for 7 days and only use ph neutral products .... when I asked if rain was ph neutral, because that's the only washing any of our cars have had in the last 7 yrs ..... there was a roll of the eyes and a laugh ...... then they looked out the window at the EB Fairmount we rolled up in ....... and the laughter died away

I mentioned it had over 200,000 kms on the clock and still going strong and our '08 Gen 2 Prius had 740,000kms on the clock, our '74 VW Kombi is approaching the 1 mill kms .... and I expected this MG4 to outlast all of them, because it was the first new car we have ever purchased ..... the looks were worth bottling
T1 Terry