Here's my cabin settings for general comfort.
I noticed the the A/C temp variation as soon as I got the vehicle.
I'd set 22C as if had in my VW, and as it was a summers day the A/C blew cool air and I thought this was great . After a little while my passenger said "it's a bit chilly in here" which is unusual for him, so we uped the set temperature a degree at a time, and agreed that 25C to 26C was comfortable.
Now its winter, the set temp is still 26C and still everything is fine.
I was going to take this issue back to the dealer, but as I see I'm not the only one and Siteguru has suggested that there is some sort of HVAC and Info updates that fix this quirk.
Question for anyone reading this: Do I take the car back to the dealer, or is there a software update I can do myself?