Infrastructure rant- 1st long road trip disaster (long one)

Lots of great points, it's definitely been a learning curve and I'm hoping my next long journey will be better, just hoping the government get things sorted sooner rather than later as I have noticed a lot of electric cars on the road this year, as other's have said, it's becoming unmanageable with such few charging points. I'm due to go to Whitby at some point and there are no rapid chargers there and only 4 slow chargers at an Aldi.

I use zap map to find chargers, then use Google Maps for the journey, I've not used Waze before so I will have a look into that.

It was so cheap as all the chargers that I used north of Newcastle were free and the one at Washington took an authorisation fee but then that was refunded and several weeks later no charge has come out, very strange.

In terms of going further without charging; I was originally using the quick 10 minute stops to avoid range anxiety, but that clearly hasn't worked. Now I know my car will go quite far, but if I leave it until 20% left and then I have the same issues I've faced on this one I will certainly run out of charge so I will probably stick at charging often, although I may stop a little less next time.

Yes, I left an angry note for the owner that abandoned their car in Jedburgh. Hopefully, they will be more considerate next time, one can hope.

Also, in terms of going slower than 70mph (I don't do more than 70, but I like cruising at 70 on motorways) and using less gadgets etc, I may need to start doing that until chargers are more available. However, I'm also in a bit of a battle between not having to charge as much- and being able to drive as close to how I would in a petrol car. I used to do trips down to London and back in 1 day, leave at say 7am and get back at 2am the next day. I can't do that anymore and it just adds fuel to the electric cars not being ready yet debate. If I could charge up as and when needed, it wouldn't actually add that much more time on. But leaving an extra hour on top of a charge in case of issues is absolutely unpractical.
If you are in Hull (as in Kingston upon Hull), then Whitby is only about 65 miles away depending on your route, so approx 130 return. No motorways, so you won't be burning through the electrons at 70 :) Within range of ZS EV at this time of year, if a little careful.

You could add a few miles at the Aldi 7kws for safety, or stop at Pickering or Malton or Scarborough depending on route for a rapid.
As a person from Jedburgh, I'd like to apologise on it's behalf :(

I hope your next trip through is a little better next time!
You don't need to apologise for Jedburgh, the actual place was lovely! Almost didn't mind being stuck there, definitely worse places to be stranded! (The only complaint is that the public toilets close early, it's almost as if they don't realise people may need the toilet after a certain time lol)
If you are in Hull (as in Kingston upon Hull), then Whitby is only about 65 miles away depending on your route, so approx 130 return. No motorways, so you won't be burning through the electrons at 70 :) Within range of ZS EV at this time of year, if a little careful.

You could add a few miles at the Aldi 7kws for safety, or stop at Pickering or Malton or Scarborough depending on route for a rapid.
Yeah, I was looking at it and wondering if I can get there and back in one charge, not sure what 'day trips' my mother-in-law has planned from there so we'll see. I'm adamant to show them that an electric car isn't an inconvenience. I'm thinking I'll top up at Pickering on my way up to give an extra bit of range as every mile of range counts and I don't trust Aldi to be free as I've heard people leave their cars there all day while they go into Whitby centre.
i had a similar problem last week first long run from Durham to Liverpool and back topped up at birch on the way down with on problem at all got to Liverpool with 75% on the way home i was going to pop to Wetherby Services but missed the turning so Scotch Corner was next stop with 17% remaining could have possibly got home but would have been tight two new chargers but only one working had to wait 50 minuets for the charger but it was on free vend 3 other cars where waiting for me to finish so a top up to 50% then off home but you can only park two hours or you get charged
There's an InstaVolt in Darlo you could have used.
So I bought my ZS EV end of May and it has been amazing for doing my 60-mile round trip to work. However, I recently went on my first long road trip from Hull to Newcastle and then on to Edinburgh and back. Every journey was a disaster.

So I planned my route, had plenty of stops so that I would only need to spend 10 minutes at each charger and would never get down to 3 bars. This was ruined by lack of chargers, inconsiderate EV drivers and machines not working. I'm actually embarrassed to tell my friends & family how it went as I've been bigging up electric cars to them and now I feel like an idiot- they were right, the UK is not ready for them yet!

This is a long one so good if you're bored, but explains all the difficulties I faced.

Journey 1- Hull to Wetherby Services. The police closed the M62 so I had to make a detour which missed Wetherby, no problem- I had a back-up of Boroughbridge. Only 1 rapid charger- luckily no one charging at the time. Tried to pay, came up with an error message, checked my bank 2 lots of £15 authorisation fee had come out, but no charge. Called the 'emergency helpline', gave up after 20 minutes on hold (already double my planned stop time and I had a wedding to get to). Ended up, after several more phone calls in the coming weeks, having to go through my bank to get it refunded.

Decided to drive on to Scotch Corner. Very very busy, took an hour to just get into the car park. 4 rapid chargers, but only 3 spaces, and only 2 could charge at the same time. 1 car apparently been there over an hour with no owner and another 3 cars waiting to charge so I drove on to the next charger, another 30 minutes to get out of the car park (1 hour 30 min for what should have been a 10 minute stop- and still no charge since leaving Hull).

Luckily made it to Washington Northbound, only 1 rapid charger but managed to charge up without any issues.

Journey 2- Newcastle (going from Airport hotel) to Edinburgh (hence the route- I now realise I should have gone A1 route as there are more chargers- hindsight, eh). Topped up to full at Ponteland- great. Stopped part way in Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger, in use, waited 10 minutes for them to finish. Then I had to call the number to get it working, 20 minutes on hold. 10 minutes charge, then another 10 minutes on hold to end the charge. Nearly an hour for what should have been a 10 minute stop.

Drove on and wanted to top-up just outside Edinburgh, stopped at Lauder. Plugged in, again had to call to start the charge. 10 minutes on hold to be told there was an error and I'd have to go to another charger. Unplugged and was going to just go straight to Edinburgh as I'd already spent more than 10 minutes there and only wanted a top-up. My car would not move. It wouldn't even turn off. Tried to get someone to jump start my car, that didn't work. So called the breakdown company, 20 minutes later it randomly started again, so cancelled the breakdown and headed to Edinburgh without a charge.

Journey Home- Skipped Lauder because of the issues before and tried to stop in Earlston, only 1 rapid charger, in use and no sign of owner. Drove on to Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger and in use, even the slow charger was in use and no sign of either driver. Only had 30 miles of range left and 49 miles to the next rapid charger so I waited. I was there over an hour (the EV bay is max stay 45 minutes) and there was no sign of the owner. It was getting late, 8pm so I had a look around the village, no one to be seen, they had been there that long that the charger had turned off as both cars were full.

I ended up very slowly driving to Otterburn where there was a slow charger, gave me an extra few miles (not many) in the 30-45 minutes I was there. Then slowly drove on back to Ponteland. Arrived there with 6% battery after driving at 30mph on 60mph roads. Charged up fully while having a lovely meal at the local Indian place (I was considerate though, unlike the previous drivers I'd encountered, and left a note in my car with a contact number in case anyone needed the charger).

Overnight stay in Newcastle. On the way home, stopped at Wetherby, lots of rapid chargers, but again, for some reason it would not charge my car despite charging my bank card. Drove on to Ferrybridge, only 1 rapid charger and in use, machine said they'd been there over 30 mins so I started on the slow charger, planning on transferring over once they were back, 20 minutes later (50 minutes of them charging on rapid) still no sign of them and I had to get off, I was only planning on being there 20 minutes. I had only got a few miles of range from this, so cautiously drove home. Had to pop to another slow charger on route to get an extra few miles to make it home.

I had written to my MP about lack of rapid chargers a month or so before this. The government's response was that there are rapid chargers every 25 miles on major A roads and motorways. What they fail to understand is that 1 rapid charger is not enough. If it is in use, it's 50 miles to a charger, if that's in use then it's 75 miles to a charger. etc. And what about when there are detours (happen all the time when driving on motorways at night) then you're not on a major motorway and there isn't a charger for a long time- sometimes too long. Add to the lack of chargers- inconsiderate drivers who leave their cars on charge for hours with no contact number and driving an electric car is not worth the hassle and time. I would not have been able to do that journey with kids. Luckily, my wife wasn't too annoyed but imagine all the hassle I had but with screaming kids. This journey made me miss my petrol car.

On a plus though, I did the whole trip on about £3.80! (After all of the holding fees were returned- which took a couple of weeks!).
I would filter Zap Map for InstaVolt. There are quite a few InstaVolt chargers near many of your stops. For example there's a good one just off the M62, just 5 minutes down the road from Ferrybridge services. It's worked very well for me in the past.
So I bought my ZS EV end of May and it has been amazing for doing my 60-mile round trip to work. However, I recently went on my first long road trip from Hull to Newcastle and then on to Edinburgh and back. Every journey was a disaster.

So I planned my route, had plenty of stops so that I would only need to spend 10 minutes at each charger and would never get down to 3 bars. This was ruined by lack of chargers, inconsiderate EV drivers and machines not working. I'm actually embarrassed to tell my friends & family how it went as I've been bigging up electric cars to them and now I feel like an idiot- they were right, the UK is not ready for them yet!

This is a long one so good if you're bored, but explains all the difficulties I faced.

Journey 1- Hull to Wetherby Services. The police closed the M62 so I had to make a detour which missed Wetherby, no problem- I had a back-up of Boroughbridge. Only 1 rapid charger- luckily no one charging at the time. Tried to pay, came up with an error message, checked my bank 2 lots of £15 authorisation fee had come out, but no charge. Called the 'emergency helpline', gave up after 20 minutes on hold (already double my planned stop time and I had a wedding to get to). Ended up, after several more phone calls in the coming weeks, having to go through my bank to get it refunded.

Decided to drive on to Scotch Corner. Very very busy, took an hour to just get into the car park. 4 rapid chargers, but only 3 spaces, and only 2 could charge at the same time. 1 car apparently been there over an hour with no owner and another 3 cars waiting to charge so I drove on to the next charger, another 30 minutes to get out of the car park (1 hour 30 min for what should have been a 10 minute stop- and still no charge since leaving Hull).

Luckily made it to Washington Northbound, only 1 rapid charger but managed to charge up without any issues.

Journey 2- Newcastle (going from Airport hotel) to Edinburgh (hence the route- I now realise I should have gone A1 route as there are more chargers- hindsight, eh). Topped up to full at Ponteland- great. Stopped part way in Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger, in use, waited 10 minutes for them to finish. Then I had to call the number to get it working, 20 minutes on hold. 10 minutes charge, then another 10 minutes on hold to end the charge. Nearly an hour for what should have been a 10 minute stop.

Drove on and wanted to top-up just outside Edinburgh, stopped at Lauder. Plugged in, again had to call to start the charge. 10 minutes on hold to be told there was an error and I'd have to go to another charger. Unplugged and was going to just go straight to Edinburgh as I'd already spent more than 10 minutes there and only wanted a top-up. My car would not move. It wouldn't even turn off. Tried to get someone to jump start my car, that didn't work. So called the breakdown company, 20 minutes later it randomly started again, so cancelled the breakdown and headed to Edinburgh without a charge.

Journey Home- Skipped Lauder because of the issues before and tried to stop in Earlston, only 1 rapid charger, in use and no sign of owner. Drove on to Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger and in use, even the slow charger was in use and no sign of either driver. Only had 30 miles of range left and 49 miles to the next rapid charger so I waited. I was there over an hour (the EV bay is max stay 45 minutes) and there was no sign of the owner. It was getting late, 8pm so I had a look around the village, no one to be seen, they had been there that long that the charger had turned off as both cars were full.

I ended up very slowly driving to Otterburn where there was a slow charger, gave me an extra few miles (not many) in the 30-45 minutes I was there. Then slowly drove on back to Ponteland. Arrived there with 6% battery after driving at 30mph on 60mph roads. Charged up fully while having a lovely meal at the local Indian place (I was considerate though, unlike the previous drivers I'd encountered, and left a note in my car with a contact number in case anyone needed the charger).

Overnight stay in Newcastle. On the way home, stopped at Wetherby, lots of rapid chargers, but again, for some reason it would not charge my car despite charging my bank card. Drove on to Ferrybridge, only 1 rapid charger and in use, machine said they'd been there over 30 mins so I started on the slow charger, planning on transferring over once they were back, 20 minutes later (50 minutes of them charging on rapid) still no sign of them and I had to get off, I was only planning on being there 20 minutes. I had only got a few miles of range from this, so cautiously drove home. Had to pop to another slow charger on route to get an extra few miles to make it home.

I had written to my MP about lack of rapid chargers a month or so before this. The government's response was that there are rapid chargers every 25 miles on major A roads and motorways. What they fail to understand is that 1 rapid charger is not enough. If it is in use, it's 50 miles to a charger, if that's in use then it's 75 miles to a charger. etc. And what about when there are detours (happen all the time when driving on motorways at night) then you're not on a major motorway and there isn't a charger for a long time- sometimes too long. Add to the lack of chargers- inconsiderate drivers who leave their cars on charge for hours with no contact number and driving an electric car is not worth the hassle and time. I would not have been able to do that journey with kids. Luckily, my wife wasn't too annoyed but imagine all the hassle I had but with screaming kids. This journey made me miss my petrol car.

On a plus though, I did the whole trip on about £3.80! (After all of the holding fees were returned- which took a couple of weeks!).
So I bought my ZS EV end of May and it has been amazing for doing my 60-mile round trip to work. However, I recently went on my first long road trip from Hull to Newcastle and then on to Edinburgh and back. Every journey was a disaster.

So I planned my route, had plenty of stops so that I would only need to spend 10 minutes at each charger and would never get down to 3 bars. This was ruined by lack of chargers, inconsiderate EV drivers and machines not working. I'm actually embarrassed to tell my friends & family how it went as I've been bigging up electric cars to them and now I feel like an idiot- they were right, the UK is not ready for them yet!

This is a long one so good if you're bored, but explains all the difficulties I faced.

Journey 1- Hull to Wetherby Services. The police closed the M62 so I had to make a detour which missed Wetherby, no problem- I had a back-up of Boroughbridge. Only 1 rapid charger- luckily no one charging at the time. Tried to pay, came up with an error message, checked my bank 2 lots of £15 authorisation fee had come out, but no charge. Called the 'emergency helpline', gave up after 20 minutes on hold (already double my planned stop time and I had a wedding to get to). Ended up, after several more phone calls in the coming weeks, having to go through my bank to get it refunded.

Decided to drive on to Scotch Corner. Very very busy, took an hour to just get into the car park. 4 rapid chargers, but only 3 spaces, and only 2 could charge at the same time. 1 car apparently been there over an hour with no owner and another 3 cars waiting to charge so I drove on to the next charger, another 30 minutes to get out of the car park (1 hour 30 min for what should have been a 10 minute stop- and still no charge since leaving Hull).

Luckily made it to Washington Northbound, only 1 rapid charger but managed to charge up without any issues.

Journey 2- Newcastle (going from Airport hotel) to Edinburgh (hence the route- I now realise I should have gone A1 route as there are more chargers- hindsight, eh). Topped up to full at Ponteland- great. Stopped part way in Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger, in use, waited 10 minutes for them to finish. Then I had to call the number to get it working, 20 minutes on hold. 10 minutes charge, then another 10 minutes on hold to end the charge. Nearly an hour for what should have been a 10 minute stop.

Drove on and wanted to top-up just outside Edinburgh, stopped at Lauder. Plugged in, again had to call to start the charge. 10 minutes on hold to be told there was an error and I'd have to go to another charger. Unplugged and was going to just go straight to Edinburgh as I'd already spent more than 10 minutes there and only wanted a top-up. My car would not move. It wouldn't even turn off. Tried to get someone to jump start my car, that didn't work. So called the breakdown company, 20 minutes later it randomly started again, so cancelled the breakdown and headed to Edinburgh without a charge.

Journey Home- Skipped Lauder because of the issues before and tried to stop in Earlston, only 1 rapid charger, in use and no sign of owner. Drove on to Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger and in use, even the slow charger was in use and no sign of either driver. Only had 30 miles of range left and 49 miles to the next rapid charger so I waited. I was there over an hour (the EV bay is max stay 45 minutes) and there was no sign of the owner. It was getting late, 8pm so I had a look around the village, no one to be seen, they had been there that long that the charger had turned off as both cars were full.

I ended up very slowly driving to Otterburn where there was a slow charger, gave me an extra few miles (not many) in the 30-45 minutes I was there. Then slowly drove on back to Ponteland. Arrived there with 6% battery after driving at 30mph on 60mph roads. Charged up fully while having a lovely meal at the local Indian place (I was considerate though, unlike the previous drivers I'd encountered, and left a note in my car with a contact number in case anyone needed the charger).

Overnight stay in Newcastle. On the way home, stopped at Wetherby, lots of rapid chargers, but again, for some reason it would not charge my car despite charging my bank card. Drove on to Ferrybridge, only 1 rapid charger and in use, machine said they'd been there over 30 mins so I started on the slow charger, planning on transferring over once they were back, 20 minutes later (50 minutes of them charging on rapid) still no sign of them and I had to get off, I was only planning on being there 20 minutes. I had only got a few miles of range from this, so cautiously drove home. Had to pop to another slow charger on route to get an extra few miles to make it home.

I had written to my MP about lack of rapid chargers a month or so before this. The government's response was that there are rapid chargers every 25 miles on major A roads and motorways. What they fail to understand is that 1 rapid charger is not enough. If it is in use, it's 50 miles to a charger, if that's in use then it's 75 miles to a charger. etc. And what about when there are detours (happen all the time when driving on motorways at night) then you're not on a major motorway and there isn't a charger for a long time- sometimes too long. Add to the lack of chargers- inconsiderate drivers who leave their cars on charge for hours with no contact number and driving an electric car is not worth the hassle and time. I would not have been able to do that journey with kids. Luckily, my wife wasn't too annoyed but imagine all the hassle I had but with screaming kids. This journey made me miss my petrol car.

On a plus though, I did the whole trip on about £3.80! (After all of the holding fees were returned- which took a couple of weeks!).
Good evening
We planned a similar journey from South Lincs to Edinburgh yesterday. ABRP planned two stops. One short stop, 16mins at Wetherby then a further 32mins just north of Newcastle! This is our first long journey. Wetherby was an absolute nightmare! Three parking bays for 6 chargers. Two spaces taken by people waiting to reach 100%! One just started. Several other vehicles waiting. Nowhere to park as the whole place was heaving, people losing their tempers etc etc. So decided to drive further up the A1. Found a charger at a farm shop. £1 per kWh!!! available but incredibly slow! Put 7kw in for insurance. Carried on to Washington North. 4 empty bays, plugged straight in, tapped credit card, reasonably fast charge for 1 hour up to 95%! About to disconnect when the charger switched off with a clunk! Ok, disconnected, packed up ready to leave, car wouldn’t restart due to battery fault showing on dash display!!! PANIC!!! Tried twice, same result, then thought, try computer reset method, turned off, both out of car, lock it up, wait a few seconds, open car it started perfectly no fault messages, continue drive to Edinburgh! Relief! Nearly 300 miles covered, mostly at motorway speeds, MG5 loaded with holiday luggage and two adults, average 3.9 per kw. Very pleased with the result but better planning required for return journey!
Good evening
We planned a similar journey from South Lincs to Edinburgh yesterday. ABRP planned two stops. One short stop, 16mins at Wetherby then a further 32mins just north of Newcastle! This is our first long journey. Wetherby was an absolute nightmare! Three parking bays for 6 chargers. Two spaces taken by people waiting to reach 100%! One just started. Several other vehicles waiting. Nowhere to park as the whole place was heaving, people losing their tempers etc etc. So decided to drive further up the A1. Found a charger at a farm shop. £1 per kWh!!! available but incredibly slow! Put 7kw in for insurance. Carried on to Washington North. 4 empty bays, plugged straight in, tapped credit card, reasonably fast charge for 1 hour up to 95%! About to disconnect when the charger switched off with a clunk! Ok, disconnected, packed up ready to leave, car wouldn’t restart due to battery fault showing on dash display!!! PANIC!!! Tried twice, same result, then thought, try computer reset method, turned off, both out of car, lock it up, wait a few seconds, open car it started perfectly no fault messages, continue drive to Edinburgh! Relief! Nearly 300 miles covered, mostly at motorway speeds, MG5 loaded with holiday luggage and two adults, average 3.9 per kw. Very pleased with the result but better planning required for return journey!
Try Costa Gosforth, which is just off the A1. 6 Instavolt chargers, toilets, a Costa and a Greggs.
The MGZSEV is relatively. short range EV despite what others might suggest or promote..
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The headline 161 mile range for the ZS EV is seemingly somewhat of a myth, whatever the season / temperature. Quite simply ZS it is a limited range EV as my wife found when she travelled from N E Lincs to IKEA Sheffield on a full charge. At IKEA the charging stations were either out of order or blocked e.g. one had a fully charged EV left by its thoughtless owner who IKEA could not raise via their tannoy system. Out of order and / or blocked charging stations together with MGs "realistic range" do nothing to promote the EV, luckily I kept my ICE Audi and will do so until things improve., but I am not holding my breath. (P.S. Opposite IKEA is the Porsche Centre and they have a charging station).
The headline 161 mile range for the ZS EV is seemingly somewhat of a myth, whatever the season / temperature. Quite simply ZS it is a limited range EV as my wife found when she travelled from N E Lincs to IKEA Sheffield on a full charge. At IKEA the charging stations were either out of order or blocked e.g. one had a fully charged EV left by its thoughtless owner who IKEA could not raise via their tannoy system. Out of order and / or blocked charging stations together with MGs "realistic range" do nothing to promote the EV, luckily I kept my ICE Audi and will do so until things improve., but I am not holding my breath. (P.S. Opposite IKEA is the Porsche Centre and they have a charging station).
Your first sentence is not true. 4 miles/kwh is easily achievable during summer months. There are any number of threads and posts on this forum to prove this.
The headline 161 mile range for the ZS EV is seemingly somewhat of a myth, whatever the season / temperature. Quite simply ZS it is a limited range EV as my wife found when she travelled from N E Lincs to IKEA Sheffield on a full charge. At IKEA the charging stations were either out of order or blocked e.g. one had a fully charged EV left by its thoughtless owner who IKEA could not raise via their tannoy system. Out of order and / or blocked charging stations together with MGs "realistic range" do nothing to promote the EV, luckily I kept my ICE Audi and will do so until things improve., but I am not holding my breath. (P.S. Opposite IKEA is the Porsche Centre and they have a charging station).
Opposite Ikea is Meadowhall Shopping centre, where there are 57, free, 7 kW charging stations, 3 hours in there would get you enough charge to get you back home to N Lincs.
Your first sentence is not true. 4 miles/kwh is easily achievable during summer months. There are any number of threads and posts on this forum to prove this.
I got 4.5 m/kWh going from Rotherham (1 mile from Ikea) to Mablethorpe last Summer.
I'm pretty sure I could have probably got all the way there and back (170 miles) even if I had not topped up at Mablethorpe.
Your first sentence is not true. 4 miles/kwh is easily achievable during summer months. There are any number of threads and posts on this forum to prove this.
Hi and I am sorry you felt a need to question the reality of what was experienced, perhaps our MG is just not as good as it should be or yours. Thanks for your contribution anyway.
Hi and I am sorry you felt a need to question the reality of what was experienced, perhaps our MG is just not as good as it should be or yours. Thanks for your contribution anyway.
Apologies if you think I was questioning your experience.....I wasn't.

I do question the assertion that 161 miles is not possible on a charge in any is.
Yeah, I was looking at it and wondering if I can get there and back in one charge, not sure what 'day trips' my mother-in-law has planned from there so we'll see. I'm adamant to show them that an electric car isn't an inconvenience. I'm thinking I'll top up at Pickering on my way up to give an extra bit of range as every mile of range counts and I don't trust Aldi to be free as I've heard people leave their cars there all day while they go into Whitby centre.
I would probably do a top up somewhere myself, just to allow for any unexpected detours etc etc.
Remember though that the higher the state of charge of your battery the slower it will normally charge.
As a matter of interest @Tom Hartley, did you come down all the way by motorway, that would account for the lower range ?
I believe the range is reduced by about 15% if you're at 70mph, so you'l probably get 130-140 miles.
When I last did a long trip about a year ago, I found that none of the high speed chargers were the same and none had the same operational systems. On some one had to have joined a club, some would not accept chip and pin, and many one had to phone someone to get the thing to work. Is it still the same? Is there a list of the various types with their operating systems somewhere I can look at?
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