Infrastructure rant- 1st long road trip disaster (long one)

Hmmm, that saga is making me wonder whether going for an MG5 is really a good decision. Fortunately nowadays I rarely do long journeys, but I would seriously consider using an ICE car instead. Does it imply that you really need to have an account with each provider prior to setting off, as you won't know which ones will be available (I understand that new chargers have to accept contactless payment) ?
As an MG5 owner I can assure you that it does what it says on tin. I use ZapMap to plan longer journeys. Use a 160 mile setting between chargers and pick a charge point that’s got a few chargers in the area. You can often find clusters within a 10 - 20 mile radius so you have options! Believe me it works a treat. Perhaps I’ve been lucky but the network has worked for me and it can only get better as more money is poured into it.
Does need standardisation though. There’s too many different providers with different prices and some crazy methods of paying. A simple ‘pay at pump’ has to be across the board not just a few. Prices for rapid and ultra rapid are way over the top, hopefully that will change when there’s more competition.
Problem I encountered on M5 & M6 recently was one service station with no working chargers, people parking in the EV spot and not using the charger and refusing to move. I even pointed out the sign for the £100 fine without any luck.

I did have enough charge left to make it to another service station.

On the return journey no problems finding a working charger apart from one service station on the M5 told there wasn't any due to the cost and too o to the next one 20 miles away. Sorry can't remember which one.

This was my first long journey Torbay - Merseyside return and journey wasn't too bad. Next time will probably be a bit more adventurous and use EV points away from the motorway
So I bought my ZS EV end of May and it has been amazing for doing my 60-mile round trip to work. However, I recently went on my first long road trip from Hull to Newcastle and then on to Edinburgh and back. Every journey was a disaster.

So I planned my route, had plenty of stops so that I would only need to spend 10 minutes at each charger and would never get down to 3 bars. This was ruined by lack of chargers, inconsiderate EV drivers and machines not working. I'm actually embarrassed to tell my friends & family how it went as I've been bigging up electric cars to them and now I feel like an idiot- they were right, the UK is not ready for them yet!

This is a long one so good if you're bored, but explains all the difficulties I faced.

Journey 1- Hull to Wetherby Services. The police closed the M62 so I had to make a detour which missed Wetherby, no problem- I had a back-up of Boroughbridge. Only 1 rapid charger- luckily no one charging at the time. Tried to pay, came up with an error message, checked my bank 2 lots of £15 authorisation fee had come out, but no charge. Called the 'emergency helpline', gave up after 20 minutes on hold (already double my planned stop time and I had a wedding to get to). Ended up, after several more phone calls in the coming weeks, having to go through my bank to get it refunded.

Decided to drive on to Scotch Corner. Very very busy, took an hour to just get into the car park. 4 rapid chargers, but only 3 spaces, and only 2 could charge at the same time. 1 car apparently been there over an hour with no owner and another 3 cars waiting to charge so I drove on to the next charger, another 30 minutes to get out of the car park (1 hour 30 min for what should have been a 10 minute stop- and still no charge since leaving Hull).

Luckily made it to Washington Northbound, only 1 rapid charger but managed to charge up without any issues.

Journey 2- Newcastle (going from Airport hotel) to Edinburgh (hence the route- I now realise I should have gone A1 route as there are more chargers- hindsight, eh). Topped up to full at Ponteland- great. Stopped part way in Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger, in use, waited 10 minutes for them to finish. Then I had to call the number to get it working, 20 minutes on hold. 10 minutes charge, then another 10 minutes on hold to end the charge. Nearly an hour for what should have been a 10 minute stop.

Drove on and wanted to top-up just outside Edinburgh, stopped at Lauder. Plugged in, again had to call to start the charge. 10 minutes on hold to be told there was an error and I'd have to go to another charger. Unplugged and was going to just go straight to Edinburgh as I'd already spent more than 10 minutes there and only wanted a top-up. My car would not move. It wouldn't even turn off. Tried to get someone to jump start my car, that didn't work. So called the breakdown company, 20 minutes later it randomly started again, so cancelled the breakdown and headed to Edinburgh without a charge.

Journey Home- Skipped Lauder because of the issues before and tried to stop in Earlston, only 1 rapid charger, in use and no sign of owner. Drove on to Jedburgh, only 1 rapid charger and in use, even the slow charger was in use and no sign of either driver. Only had 30 miles of range left and 49 miles to the next rapid charger so I waited. I was there over an hour (the EV bay is max stay 45 minutes) and there was no sign of the owner. It was getting late, 8pm so I had a look around the village, no one to be seen, they had been there that long that the charger had turned off as both cars were full.

I ended up very slowly driving to Otterburn where there was a slow charger, gave me an extra few miles (not many) in the 30-45 minutes I was there. Then slowly drove on back to Ponteland. Arrived there with 6% battery after driving at 30mph on 60mph roads. Charged up fully while having a lovely meal at the local Indian place (I was considerate though, unlike the previous drivers I'd encountered, and left a note in my car with a contact number in case anyone needed the charger).

Overnight stay in Newcastle. On the way home, stopped at Wetherby, lots of rapid chargers, but again, for some reason it would not charge my car despite charging my bank card. Drove on to Ferrybridge, only 1 rapid charger and in use, machine said they'd been there over 30 mins so I started on the slow charger, planning on transferring over once they were back, 20 minutes later (50 minutes of them charging on rapid) still no sign of them and I had to get off, I was only planning on being there 20 minutes. I had only got a few miles of range from this, so cautiously drove home. Had to pop to another slow charger on route to get an extra few miles to make it home.

I had written to my MP about lack of rapid chargers a month or so before this. The government's response was that there are rapid chargers every 25 miles on major A roads and motorways. What they fail to understand is that 1 rapid charger is not enough. If it is in use, it's 50 miles to a charger, if that's in use then it's 75 miles to a charger. etc. And what about when there are detours (happen all the time when driving on motorways at night) then you're not on a major motorway and there isn't a charger for a long time- sometimes too long. Add to the lack of chargers- inconsiderate drivers who leave their cars on charge for hours with no contact number and driving an electric car is not worth the hassle and time. I would not have been able to do that journey with kids. Luckily, my wife wasn't too annoyed but imagine all the hassle I had but with screaming kids. This journey made me miss my petrol car.

On a plus though, I did the whole trip on about £3.80! (After all of the holding fees were returned- which took a couple of weeks!).
I have had a similarly exasperating experience recently when I took my car on a trip to north Wales. When I bought the car I was aware that the public charging infrastructure was limited, I did not however understand the truly chaotic reality. The government have allowed a dysfunctional infrastructure to be provided by the private sector with insufficient regulation to ensure a standardised payment system. I have raised the issue with my local MP (Jesse Norman). I would encourage other people to complain to your MP in an effort to raise awareness of the problems. I fear that as the potential buying public become aware of the existing problems the take up of electric cars will be stalled.
I have had a similarly exasperating experience recently when I took my car on a trip to north Wales. When I bought the car I was aware that the public charging infrastructure was limited, I did not however understand the truly chaotic reality. The government have allowed a dysfunctional infrastructure to be provided by the private sector with insufficient regulation to ensure a standardised payment system. I have raised the issue with my local MP (Jesse Norman). I would encourage other people to complain to your MP in an effort to raise awareness of the problems. I fear that as the potential buying public become aware of the existing problems the take up of electric cars will be stalled.
I’m heading to North Wales in October for a break. I’m keeping a close eye on the status of the rapids at Llandudno Junction Lidl, Bangor Morrison’s and the coupe at garages on the A55
Sorry to read about your experience. I'm planning to go to Whitland in Wales from London with my family in my ZSEV. I'm already panicking, having read about this experience.
Can anyone please give me tips that would make my journey less stressful
Sorry to read about your experience. I'm planning to go to Whitland in Wales from London with my family in my ZSEV. I'm already panicking, having read about this experience.
Can anyone please give me tips that would make my journey less stressful

I’ve been planning a similar length route recently, so using multiple apps such as Zap-Map and ABRP, having more than one potential location to charge at.

So a stop near Bristol (or before if needed?) and one at Swansea - both areas look to have half a dozen rapids nearby according to Zap-Map. Choose the one with most units/best reviews/amenities and have back up plan 2 & 3 in case busy/broken. And see what ABRP says too.
Yes - good advice. If you can plan ahead and pick chargers where there are others dotted about then if you’re unlucky you can move on to the backup charger. It might be obvious but enter the charger postcode into your satnav as a waypoint.
What a disaster for you. I was thinking of bringing my EV over to Uk thinking it had better structure there than in Ireland but I will think twice now.
Sorry to read about your experience. I'm planning to go to Whitland in Wales from London with my family in my ZSEV. I'm already panicking, having read about this experience.
Can anyone please give me tips that would make my journey less stressful
Don’t let one person’s experience put you off. I use Instavolt or Osprey for rapid charging. Instavolt are a little on the expensive side but generally reliable.
I recently had a 700 mile round trip up to the north east to visit my mother. I used this trip as an experiment and to gain knowledge of the charging infrastructure.
I knew it wasn't going to be plain sailing. However on the whole it worked out okay.

I used zap map and left 30 miles for the top ups just in case! all worked well and I was glad to charge up a few miles from the large motorway stops where there were not hoards of people. The only problem I encountered was the gun wouldn't release from a charger, a phone call to the company released it 20 minutes later. My mother does not have a wall charger. I found a local Morrisons supermarket that had two rapid chargers, so I was okay for charging whilst staying for a couple of days.

I used Zap Map and only used Instavolt which are contactless. Apart from Morrisons which I think was Genie.

Things I learned:

I was lucky with the weather and it was shorts and T shirt. There were no chargers which were undercover. Not good in inclement weather.

I kept away from the main motorway services because of unreliable chargers and hoards of people.

The journey takes longer because of the stops and waiting to charge. Unlike fossil fuel stops which take minutes.

Contactless is king.

I now use my MG for local trips. We are lucky and also have a hybrid BMW which I use for the longer trips.

The infrastructure is getting better every year. In the next couple of years there will be massive improvements. It's a case of sticking with it.
We've just had our first bad EV experience. Since having the ZS I have always followed my ABRP route, only deviating by charging for an extra 10 mins everywhere, for piece of mind, and if I need to use HVAC etc.

However last Friday, we came from Portsmouth to Stoke and due to accidents, we had a number of recalculation. The last of which was MINE! I decided to exit the M5 as it was closing due to two trucks in collision, so rather than sit it out, went off to Hereford, where the first genie point wouldn't work as the mobile signal there was too weak, I then went to Morrisons, where I had to wait for another EV, and to top it off the 50kw charger came through at about 18, so we just sat there for an hour. My detour cost us about 2 1/2 hours and my first bit of EV anxiety.

Moral of the story? Stick to the route
We've just had our first bad EV experience. Since having the ZS I have always followed my ABRP route, only deviating by charging for an extra 10 mins everywhere, for piece of mind, and if I need to use HVAC etc.

However last Friday, we came from Portsmouth to Stoke and due to accidents, we had a number of recalculation. The last of which was MINE! I decided to exit the M5 as it was closing due to two trucks in collision, so rather than sit it out, went off to Hereford, where the first genie point wouldn't work as the mobile signal there was too weak, I then went to Morrisons, where I had to wait for another EV, and to top it off the 50kw charger came through at about 18, so we just sat there for an hour. My detour cost us about 2 1/2 hours and my first bit of EV anxiety.

Moral of the story? Stick to the route
Was the genie problem that your mobile didn’t have a signal?
When I registered for genie it said I could buy an rfid card or could use any existing rfid card and link it to my genie a/c. Luckily I have an octopus juice card, so first time I used a genie point I did the process to link that card to my genie a/c.
Now I just use the card at genie points, so much simpler than the app. It does feel a bit odd though that I’m using a non genie card to get a genie charge though lol.
I feel your pain. I've just done my first longish/nightmarish trip from Lanark to Ullapool - some 250'ish miles. I had never driven the route before so planned out my route using ZapMap and it proposed 2 stops - Pitlochry (99 mile leg), Inverness (86 mile leg) and last leg to Ullapool (57 miles). Drive time was estimated at 4 and a half hours and I expected about 90 mins charge time (2 x 45 minute stops) so 6 hours in total. Just in case I added an extra hour giving me 7 hours to do the journey - I left at 7am and needed to be there for 2pm. My navigation setup was Google Maps on Android Auto.

At Pitlochry all the chargers were not working. CPS tried to remedy but no good - 30 minutes lost. I then had to look for plan B and had to double back 5 miles to get to Balelinluig another 30 minutes lost. At Inverness the chargers were also not working and my plan B was behind locked gates (even then they had signs saying not in use ?), so now I'm having to react to find a charger and I'm panicking as I'm very late and suffering intense range anxiety with only 20 miles left on GOM. I eventually found a charger on the map, but took 20 minutes to find it as ZapMap wouldn't navigate to the address - it only gave the postcode. When I got there it had just been taken by someone else. Thankfully he lived in Ullapool and had enough charge to get there, so after hearing my tale of woe he let me queue jump.

It took me 9 and a half hours, I was 2 hours late for my connection and I was in a real state when I arrived at Ullapool. Great start for my holiday ?.
Part of the problem is that there are plenty of slow chargers but not enough rapid. Took a trip from Newport to Tamworth earlier in the year planning to rapid charge in Tamworth for the home journey. Only rapid chargers were at two different Morrisons either side of the town or Tamworth services. The slow chargers mainly seemed to be at hotels or car dealerships who don't always like you using them unless you are a customer.
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