Incorrect. You obviously have no idea of the engagement I have had with Octopus and Ohme on IOG and discussions with Project Managers and Product Owners at both companies regarding this, including Octopus staff such as Phil Steele. You are incorrect.
Thats becuase you set it in the Octopus app .....
The tariff doesn't work like that in the slightest - you are displaying a lack of understanding. Octopus do not deny you the requested charge UNLESS you have not allowed enough time and (7kW multiplied by the lenth of the session). If you ask for 64kWh it will always map 64kWh of charging unless the session length you have specified is less than 9 1/4 hours. That will result in charging being allocated as additional off peak - its tariff gaming if you only need 20kWh of charge.
Only if there is a fault or you are gaming and the car is full hours before Octopus expect it to be. Octopus do NOT restrict the amount of charge based on this mythical concept of if there is cheap or excess electricity floating round the grid.
The i3 was a vehicle integration where you specified a level to charge TO. EVSE integrations you specify how many % to ADD to the car. Leaving the Octopus app set to ADD 100% regardless of how much you need is tariff gaming.
You set it in the Octopus app.
And myenergi/Zappi have made exactly those statements - here you go
A specific statement saying not to game the system by setting something that would increase the number of slots (which is what you are doing by leaving the Octopus app set to ADD 100% regardless)
And from the myenergi forums posted by myenergi staff:
View attachment 28088