Just to bump this back up, today my 147 mile drive was quite good. Of course I've a big black vinyl decal over the camera as it's faulty. I've put up with tugs, but the final nail in it's coffin was when it attempted to hedge bottom me. Violent turn to the left at 50 mph was frightening. Apparently MG admit there's a fault and the camera / radar unit is faulty. MG dealer can't see if for a month so the vinyl over the camera switches an heck of a lot off. Initially the ACC would work at 50mph plus but alas the AI of the system today said ACC was unavailable. So was auto emergency braking, speed signs and good ole Lane Killer. The car even asks you to drive safely. Irony turned to 13 I think that is. You do notice that the car does even mild braking for you when working. I use a custom setting of mainly comfort and sport bhp. I have adaptive regen and I'll be honest, it drives quite nice and I achieved a 4.1 miles to a kw. Even here a problem lurks. As soon as you park and return, the car is back in Normal mode and you have to reset the adaptive regen. Same for custom mode too. It's like why you no listen? Keep the settings ***!!! Then the infotainment switched android auto off, so that was a running reset to get it back. Fun and games eh...