The village 50 kw here is the only rapid charger for many miles. If I was going south though, I should be able to reach Abington services on the M74 at just over 20 miles. Going west there's another village charger in Carnwath, 14 miles on. Going north, bugger-all that's actually on my route into Edinburgh, what happened to the chargers that were supposed to appear at the Shell petrol station at Lothianburn (12 miles), I ask? Going east, probably another CPS unit in Peebles (13 miles) I suppose. But I don't intend to need any of them.
A friend of mine told me that her brother loved his EV until the day he was contacted to say that his daughter was seriously ill in a hospital in London with a head injury. The car was sitting out of charge. I think they eventually caught a plane, but I never really found out why the EV was impractical. Half an hour on a 50 kw charger (surely everyone is within reasonable reach of one of these) would at least give enough to get on the road, and ultra-rapids thereafter. But maybe this was before ultra-rapids were so readily available on major routes (I don't know when it happened), and maybe the car only charged slowly, which would have prolonged the journey by a couple of hours at least. Still, you can lose longer than that in a traffic jam. I certainly did last Friday.