If I were a GT3 driver then I might well accept it, but I am driving an MG 4 production car meant for driving by ordinary motorists!
By the way, I have driven a great number of cars in my time and many of them with tyre pressure warning systems. I have never come across a production vehicle that is so picky and devoid of logic in this respect. I do have difficulty accepting that the system will report first one and later two tyres at 2.3 bar when a third is at 2.3 bar and reported as OK. The final, front, tyre (see my photograph) is at 2.4. So as I see it, if the system should report on a tyre pressure issue it should have highlighted the odd one out at 2.4?
By the way, if I accept your logic, then it becomes nearly impossible to get the correct pressure into any car, given the pressure at 2.4 may mean 2.35 or 2.34, so how do you add air to any tyre and trust that the gauge is correct? Further, 'How do you know that the tyres are fine after driving for a short while' and accept it? - that way leads to acceptance of slow punctures and potential consequences sneaking up. It seems that if a system is incorporated into a vehicle and classed as a driver warning then it should work consistently and follow some logic. Otherwise don't have it.