Makeshift Ambo!

I've been trumped......
Best of luck. Have a right go at the forecourt operators. There are H & S standards for all sorts of surfaces, and I suspect shiny paint is not approved!
Meanwhile - my wife had a similar break a few months back - a few bits of titanium and pins, she's right as rain now. Hoping for all the best for you.
I'm sure @securespark got a giggle from it. ;)
I did indeed! And I welcome all giggles I get at the moment!

I have been transferred from Warrington General to my local hospital now, Stepping Hill.

And even more good news, it appears I will actually go under the knife this afternoon. I have to sign the usual disclaimers, there may be a small reduction in the number of feet* and/ or a minor loss of life, blah blah blah...., but they have you by the short and curlies: you need your foot mending!

I will attempt to keep you up to date.

*With thanks to NTNOCN for the reference.
I did indeed have my op and arrived at a place they grandly titled Theatre Reception at 13:00. I was most disappointed to discover they did not have buckets of popcorn.
I was asked to check through pages of info. Then into the anaesthetist's room.
It has been 10 years since I was here for a broken bone and I had forgotten just how much was involved in the preparation before going into theatre.

The first procedure was the nerve block. This was an incredibly intricate time-consuming process.

First, the outside of the thigh was carefully scanned with ultrasound, identifying the groups of nerves running down the leg. Next, a local anaesthetic was injected around the group of nerves to the foot, followed by a long-acting anaesthetic. I could see the nerve bundles on the screen and the effect the anaesthetic was having on them. These nerves are buried deep underneath the muscle and I found the injections very painful. This whole procedure was then repeated for the other side of the thigh.

Next, the spinal block. I normally have a spinal block as I have Sleep Apnoea, so the surgeons normally like me to be awake during the op to avoid any breathing issues.
Again, more local anaesthetic, then needles into the spaces between the bones. 😮

This was also incredibly painful and, despite me having had it done successfully prior to several previous operations, the anaesthetist decided to abandon ship and do a General Anaesthetic instead, despite the risks.
As I write, I have just seen the anaesthetist on the High Dependency Unit and apologised to him saying that I feel I had let both him and myself down, but he told me not to worry about it.

I think I went into Theatre Reception just before 13.00, so was in Theatre a lot longer than I imagined I would be. I was in recovery for ages and when I started coming round, my addled brain convinced me that I was in some bizarre showroom for hospital products where I was modelling the bed....the weird things your brain does!

It took me a long long time to come round fully and by the time I was wheeled into the HDU it was 20.00

I'm very happy it is over now. I had a very comfortable night and am looking forward to physio and recovery from now on.

I broke my right leg on November 14 2014.

I broke my left ankle on November 23 2024.

I am going to do a John Lennon and plan to stay in bed for the whole of November 2034......
She did it again yesterday!

While there's still a large, groaning, carrier bag of fruit (that she brought!) waiting to be scoffed by my bed, Mum brought me some more grapes and freshly peeled oranges yesterday.

I'm not remotely ungrateful and I love her to bits, as she does me, but she thinks my daily fruit consumption is four times what mine actually is!

Actually, thinking about it just now, the amount she is bringing is probably what she thinks I ought to be eating every day....

Maybe I should stop posting here and start scoffing that fruit .....
Bloody Hell m8!

Only just seen this.

What a huge debacle for you.

The worst thing, (apart from your unfortunate and hideous injury) once again, is the hopeless state of the Ambulance Service in this country.

Heroes One and All, but God Help any one of us needing the service.

I mean, I ride my motorcycle with great care all of the time, but there is always a little niggle in the back of my mind that if I were ever unlucky enough to require help, just how long might I have to wait?

Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Have lost 1.5 stone in hospital basically sitting and lying in a bed.

Have just spent my first day at home. Was told a week last Monday that I could go home. It's taken a week to get me home. It wasn't NHS ambulances that brought me back. Meanwhile, you can go on a private ambo website and ask to hire an NHS ambulance???

What really made me angry was not so much that I couldn't go home, but that there were literally people lining up in the corridors of A and E below waiting for beds, some elderly and frail.
Have lost 1.5 stone in hospital basically sitting and lying in a bed.

Have just spent my first day at home. Was told a week last Monday that I could go home. It's taken a week to get me home. It wasn't NHS ambulances that brought me back. Meanwhile, you can go on a private ambo website and ask to hire an NHS ambulance???

What really made me angry was not so much that I couldn't go home, but that there were literally people lining up in the corridors of A and E below waiting for beds, some elderly and frail.
Good to hear you’re home my friend. Take care
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