Please excuse my stupidity here folks, but I am just struggling to understand why you are still being expected to continue making payments on a car, that you have almost never seen, let alone driven for any reasonable length of time ?.
I know you have stated, that this could be seen ( legally ) as NOT the right thing to do.
But the finance company must show a duty of customer care towards its customer, which is you !.
Come on, you only want what you are paying for really, no more, no less.
Really, who takes out finance deal on a brand new car, to then have it sitting in a workshop for weeks & weeks on end, being stripped and rebuilt every couple of weeks, as and when a so called fix is attempted and then fails.
Personally, I think you have been MORE than patience and given them enough time with regards to trying to rectify this problem.
It should have been returned to Long bridge weeks ago and you given the new car that you deserve.
In this type of situation when leasing a car ( never done it myself ) am I correct in thinking that the finance company actually owns this car really, and you are in affect only renting it from them for a set payment plan over a set period of time ?.
You therefore will never ever own any part of that the car, period.
So, it appears on the face of it to be fairly straight forward.
When the contract was drawn up, you agreed to pay "X" number of pounds / month in exchange for leasing company to providing you with the use of the agreed car, over a set time scale.
Well, somebody is clearly in breach of contract then and its not you.
It could be suggested that they taking money under false pretences.
THEY - Should be the people who are applying pressure on MG to sort out this mess.
I have no doubt at all, that this lease company put's a lot of business in this direction and will not want to threaten that situation.
You need to be firm and tell the lease company you do not intend to continue paying for THAT car anymore.
You are totally done with it, after all it's not your car !.