MG4 Range

This is where experience is key. It was only an example. Once we've all had the cars for a few months we'll all have a better idea about what to expect mi/kWh wise for a given journey.

I do agree that the consumption on short journeys is shockingly bad. My trophy is currently doing about 100 miles per charge but since I do about 6 miles per day it doesn't really matter, I just charge it when it needs it.

I’m around 7 miles per day.
And, yes, short journey consumption is abysmal, much worse than the Leaf.
Not a huge problem as range obviously isn’t an issue, but the wife has noticed I’m charging more often.
Bottom line. 2200 kms total fuel cost $88 Australian dollars. Divide by 2 to get rough UK cost.
A 100k highway drive gave these figures, 9.8l/100k, 0.0 kwh/100k, Avg speed 97kmh. What was news to me was the battery charged back to 8% from zero. All this towing a "tinnie" and motor (boat) and 2 adults and 60-70kg of load.
Bottom line. 2200 kms total fuel cost $88 Australian dollars. Divide by 2 to get rough UK cost.
A 100k highway drive gave these figures, 9.8l/100k, 0.0 kwh/100k, Avg speed 97kmh. What was news to me was the battery charged back to 8% from zero. All this towing a "tinnie" and motor (boat) and 2 adults and 60-70kg of load. this for a phev on the mg4 forum? Confused
Hi. I've been driving my MG4 trophy down to Metz over the weekend to give it a serious test and to see if charging is problematic.

So far, I'm in Metz, having done 503 miles and I've used 214% of battery charge. This equates to 2.35 miles per %, or a 100% range of 235 miles. My trip computer gives my average per Kwh as 3.7 miles. Overall, I'm quite happy with this, especially as I had 70 minutes sat on the M25 and it's been perishing with a near constant need for air con.
I've done 148 miles in my SE SR and the mls/kwh sits on 2 all the time. The temperature has rarely been over 0 degrees since I picked the car up a week ago. My current charge is showing 100 miles for a 100% charge. I only do short 2-3 mile runs in it and always preheat the cabin before driving.

I leave it on normal drive mode and have the heating on 24 auto. The drive is amazing and the cabin is always toasty warm. I'm not trying to be economical at all and at 1 mile per % it's still 5 times cheaper than my ICE car. From the screenshots below it's easy to see where the power is going.

I'm more than happy with the current range and will take comfort/ease of use over economy right now ?‍♂️


We are due to make a journey this weekend in our MG4 Trophy, visiting a relative, of around 90 miles each way, mostly motorway. I was feeling quite relaxed about making a 180 mile round trip in this car, even in the Winter, but now I'm not so sure!
Well we didn't risk it without charging! It was an interesting journey to say the least. While we were visiting, the heaven's opened with snow, much more than the weather forecasters predicted and presumably more than the authorities expected, as very few roads, even the major roads, seem to have been gritted. The first part of our journey we could see cars sliding all over the place! Our return journey time, which is normally around 1 hour 40 minutes, was just over 5 hours, including a short charging stop! The car drove fine, it was certainly the longest time that I've spent in it for 1 journey! Efficiency of 3 dead for the journey, which isn't too bad considering.

The charging worked well, apart from one operator error. It charged at 49.5, which is good considering the Tesla in the bay next to me was getting 44.5. As for my error - initially the charger kept stopping, so I thought something must be wrong. After this had happened a few times, I noticed it was the iSmart app causing the problem. The charge limit on the app had defaulted to 50% (I'd not noticed it doing that before) so presumably the app kept stopping the charge, as it had reached 50%!

One minor annoyance that I have seen others comment on - the tyre pressure warning came on soon after we started our journey there in the morning, and has remained on ever since. The tyre pressures are all 2.4/2.5, so not very low, so I am assuming that it is the cold conditions playing havoc with the sensors, and these will right themselves at some point, without me having to do anything.
My car seems to have had a word with itself.
No longer showing miles to zero that I will never ever achieve.
Now showing miles to empty that are in line with the 2 miles per KWh on the display.
Seriously, can anyone explain this?
It’s easily -1c or lower here right now and and I’ve not got close to this level of range even in much nicer weather (it’s an SE SR)
What mpkwh would it even take to reach 171 miles range from 84% battery??
The driver display is saying I’m getting 2mpkwh.
Well your car is doing far far better than mine these pictures are from yesterday morning 0 degrees covered in ice.MG4 SR with everything turned off and as soon as I switched the heater on to drfrost the windows range dropped even more to about 112 miles it is truly abysmal in this cold weather.
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I had my first drive of an MG4 last week - the dealer's demonstrator. Like others have reported when I first turned it on it was displaying 2.0 mpkWh which I assumed was because it had been used for lots of short trips or had been thrashed previously. I gave it a decent test including some heavy acceleration and braking on a mixed route, and had the heating, lights and wipers on. After 12 miles or so testing the car was displaying 3.1 mpkWh which I thought was reasonable.

It may be that it is a 'feature' of this car to start by being very conservative in estimating efficiency. You can only get a more accurate estimate after a decent drive. In the real world I'd anticipate getting around 150 miles in an SR and 190 miles in a LR in the winter for longer trips at motorway speeds with heating on.
I had my first drive of an MG4 last week - the dealer's demonstrator. Like others have reported when I first turned it on it was displaying 2.0 mpkWh which I assumed was because it had been used for lots of short trips or had been thrashed previously. I gave it a decent test including some heavy acceleration and braking on a mixed route, and had the heating, lights and wipers on. After 12 miles or so testing the car was displaying 3.1 mpkWh which I thought was reasonable.

It may be that it is a 'feature' of this car to start by being very conservative in estimating efficiency. You can only get a more accurate estimate after a decent drive. In the real world I'd anticipate getting around 150 miles in an SR and 190 miles in a LR in the winter for longer trips at motorway speeds with heating on.
Think I got 3.3 miles kWh in the Trophy I test drove around 6 weeks ago, 11 degrees and wet, hammering it harder than I would my own car, out alone for 2 hours.
Always figured that if 150 miles are available all year round that would do me for now, don't do much more mileage in a typical week anyway.
I think with all this comments about range that maybe the MG is just more accurately or conservatively representing the current usage of power as a range. Initially without any wheels moving you could easily use 1kWh of battery power heating when it's very cold and therefore before the wheels have turned consumption is infinite. Most other EVs allow heating directly from the charger which is probably more efficient as it hasn't had to be stored.andnreleased from the battery I also assume it isn't included in their miles per kWh calculation so optically efficiency is higher.

I need to test if as a longer journey progresses the range improves relatively and you end up using less milage to cover the actual distance covered. I've not yet done enough long trips to tell but also haven't been concerned about the range displayed.
I think with all this comments about range that maybe the MG is just more accurately or conservatively representing the current usage of power as a range. Initially without any wheels moving you could easily use 1kWh of battery power heating when it's very cold and therefore before the wheels have turned consumption is infinite. Most other EVs allow heating directly from the charger which is probably more efficient as it hasn't had to be stored.andnreleased from the battery I also assume it isn't included in their miles per kWh calculation so optically efficiency is higher.

I need to test if as a longer journey progresses the range improves relatively and you end up using less milage to cover the actual distance covered. I've not yet done enough long trips to tell but also haven't been concerned about the range displayed.
I've heated the cabin while charging .
Not tried preheating the battery whike charging yet .
I've heated the cabin while charging .
Not tried preheating the battery whike charging yet .
My comment was ambiguous. To be more precise I meant whilst not actually charging but still being connected to the wall charger. I can't remotely trigger preheating with energy supplied by the grid, it only works when unplugged and using power from the battery.
Preheating works when plugged in, as long as the car is requesting a charge and the wall box is delivering.

I tried battery preheating (whilst plugged in and charging) before my trip to Grangemouth (and back) today - didn't seem to make any difference with actual range
Preheating works when plugged in, as long as the car is requesting a charge and the wall box is delivering.

I tried battery preheating (whilst plugged in and charging) before my trip to Grangemouth (and back) today - didn't seem to make any difference with actual range
I think the difference is only small with battery heating. Potentially the benefit is similar to the consumption of power depending on the journey length. I personally have it switched off unless I'm travelling far enough I will want to charge quickly at a rapid charger.

That makes sense you can heat if you haven't already reached the set charge limit but because of off peak tariffs many people charge in the early hours and have stopped by the time you want to set off. This is a significant usage of energy and was originally designed to conserve range in cars with small batteries, omitting the capability seems strange.
Hi I've bought the new mg4 long range ( the one with a 61kw battery) when It came out, I wanted to ask few questions regarding the range, I've read few others post and I fully understand that in winter due the low temperature the car will never do the estimated 280 miles but I wanted to ask if it was Normal that mine don't even do 200 miles?
I've went on trip of 130 miles in October, I've departed from house with 100% of battery and it wasn't this cold compared to this days, I went 95% of the trip in ECO and even the AC was turned on just for 1-2 Min every 15-20 miles for the windshield because it was fogging up, I kept the cruise control with the speed on 60mph on the motorway and when I came home it was on 10%.
I've booked an appointment with the dealership where I bought the car for check if there was a problem so I will find out soon, but a question for who already has got the car do you think that is normal that it does this low on the range o there might have some issues?
Another thing that whenever I connect my phone o any other phone with Andoid auto when I open the menu it shows pre-production hardware not for sale, it's not my phone because I've tried with other phone in my family and I've rented a Hyundai Kona and a Seat and those one as well had Android auto installed but didn't showed this message. (I've put a picture regarding the message that does show)

Sorry for any grammatical errors English is not my first language.


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I don’t know why but I cannot get anywhere near the figures from my wife’s Mg4SR that this chap is getting.i will edit when I return back home in a couple of days.
Hi all above in the box above is what I wrote on Saturday @#67 in reply to a video put out by Stuart Thomas on YouTube about his range test on the 4 SR @#66 both in this thread.
So now the edit or continuation.

So just returned from another wonderful week in Cumbria with family for what is becoming our Xmas family get together done this for a few years now.
So on Friday 1/12/22 I charged the car on my Zappi at home over night nice and slowly on the Eco+ setting from 16:43hrs 66% 127 miles
CBDFCBAB-F972-46A2-B723-D98D6969383A.jpeg And the next morning at around 9 am it had fully charged and balanced as well as you can see on this Zappi read out below.
9867C3CB-FD6C-42B9-A95C-4338DE3159AD.jpeg C125388E-243A-473E-9203-357C1C0A7A2E.jpeg CB8F90BB-BA96-48C3-A213-931B49CB3EF5.jpeg
So car is now at 100% temperature is now at 5 degrees 196 miles in normal mode 206 miles in Eco as you can see above.

So off we go, HAVC on around 23, so around 2/3 miles at 30 mph to get onto the M6 then on joining the Motorway cruise set at 62 mph and stayed at that for the next 50 miles in Eco mode Gen level3 or high, after the motorway around 10 miles now of A and B roads And around 1/2 of them miles no more than farm tracks so quite slow going, we arrive at our cottage with a SHOCK of GOM readings first real journey of any distance that has been driven in the 4 SR in total only 64 miles covered from a start of 100% and 206 miles now it’s down to 53% 95miles remaining, temp still at 5 degrees. 3.2mpkh
That was on the Saturday car was not then moved until the Tuesday 6/1/22 when we have to go to a shop for fresh milk bread etc, so got in at switch on GOM now reads same 53% but range is now 83 from 95 mile then I realise it’s now in normal mode so OK nothing has changed in 3 days fine I was looking some kind of battery drinsage but nothing when switched to Eco 95 miles again so standing out for 3 days in freezing temps car battery as lost nothing.
So set off in default Normal mode gen3 or high to the shop, nice and steady remember the roads are not the best, it’s 9 miles to the nearest shop and when we get there after around 2/3 miles on poor roads and 6/7 on an half decent A roads GOM is showing a drop of 6% of battery after 9 miles to 47% and miles now 76 from 83 available but car has now done 4mpkh great just about where it should be for WLTP range of 218 miles MGs figures not mine or anyone else’s from what I have read or seen.
Do the shop and drive back same settings on return GOM now shows 42%, 70 miles remaining and a total of 16.5 miles done at 3.9 mpkh fine.

So car plug in rest of day and overnight on Granny charger and next day was at
93% 172 miles in default normal 3/high
So only a few short trips in the next day or two and GOM most of the time showing around 2.5mpkh because of that.
So we get to Friday Gom on 74% 117miles so place it back on the Ganny to get ready for the journey home at the weekend, Saturday morn comes 4/6 inches of snow as fallen overnight ( see my other thread on that called Snow mode in MG4 ) where you can read about that, so car is fully charged 100% 179 miles available now -05 degrees.
Sorry but I can’t post any more evidence pictures in this posting only 10 allowed don’t understand why so you will to take my word for the rest.

So we set of for home around 11:00 am still minus 5 but on a full battery and a range of 179 miles to do around 65 miles to home.
Do the fram tracks and B-A roads quite slowly show and ice & snow everywhere and then join the M6 again for around 50 miles, cruise control on set at 65 mph did 64.9 miles in Normal default mode of the MG4 this time to see if there was any difference in the modes and yes it was a bit less only 2.9mpkh on this run was 3.2 on the way up but a bit warmer, it was a bit colder now on the way down so HVAC on at around 25 to prevent mist on the windows and keep us a bit more comfortable on the journey 1hr 27 minutes for the journey GOM now reads 43% 64 miles left from 100% 179 miles at the start distance covered 64.6 miles I have pictures to prove all of this but can’t post them here sorry.
In conclusion the MG4 is quite a nice drive but do not think for one minute it’s for doing any real distances in in the winter that’s for sure, the MG5 SR I had before this and I did the very same journey in last year gave me twice as much mileage on the same journey,or on just day-day running around that we do than the 4 without doubt, but both cars have a 50 kw battery.!
Now there is just one thing that might be the cause of this very poor range I’m not sure, several times in the weeks my wife has had this car when she has got into it a message has come up which says battery heating available or something about that but gives you the option to cancel it which we always do as it not need unless you are intending to use a DC rapid charger I think I’m right in saying
But on this return journey at the start with the battery at 100% this message came on again with extra text saying battery temp very low use heating before charging, temperature if you remember was at -05 i again cancelled this but when I get home after 65 miles using 57% of the battery and the range now at 64 miles from 179, I was looking through the screens to see if there was any reason for the very poor mileage and found the battery heating again on.What the hell is happening?
I will be looking out for this from now on, the question is if this setting is like most other things in this car with a mind of there own and reverts to default setting this on being a warning to heat the battery in very cold conditions turning itself back on. When there’s no need.

Now like the car value for money most definitely it is, not as comfortable as the 5 was for me especially in the front but more room in the back I think for others,
Does for-the wife everything she requires of it so that’s fine it is her car when all is said and done, but even she has said, why am I having to keep charging it almost every other day hopefully things will improve.
Some more pictures, on the the thread I have mentioned above could not put them here unfortunately site will not allow it.
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