You call out the alleged negative tone of my prior posts, via a maiden-to-me post suggesting that I enrolled upon the forum as a 'wind up'? lol now there's positivity for you, huh
Next, consider the then 7 prior posts which I constructed:
1) An agreement with another poster ref youtube videos
2) A positive remark to a fellow poster regarding his/her decision
3) A comment that the atmosphere of the forum has changed over the last two months. Factual? It certainly don't seem the party of optimism it once was.
4) Another positive comment to the prior poster regarding their decision
5) A joke ref a podcast. Granted that could be misinterpreted.
6) A comment on the general reliability of Toyotas
7) A post suggesting a poster continues to go ahead with having a changer installed.
Maybe try researching and analysing one's posts before commenting on them.
It is best if we generically return to discussing the thread topic on hand.
Thank you.