My dealer has confirmed the situation with the oil leak and given me a copy of the dealer bulletin from MG. However, I will NOT be posting the bulletin as it is marked confidential.
The letter and my dealer confirm:
- There is a new design of breather kit with a long pipe to avoid oil leakage that will be delivered in the UK by second week of November 2022.
- The correct level of the oil has been confirmed (it doesn't say what it is).
- The kit will not be fitted to all MG4s, it will be shipped to the MG UK parts warehouse and then available for dealers to order for any customer car that shows signs of the oil leak. The specific part number is not available yet.
It is NOT clear from the communication when they are fitting the modified breather to new cars from the factory. I would assume that will be soon (if not already), but it is not mentioned.
Edit: There is nothing about a 50mph limit or any need to stop or change how you drive a car with the oil leak.