Always best to be on the safe side ?.
I've spent the last 4years with a 30 kWh Kia Soul. Brilliant vehicle, not a single issue.
However I was doing a 500+mile round trip every six weeks, 250 miles each way. Initially I was recharging ( CHAdeMO, not so many chargers) every 50 or so miles, just to be on the safe side, 4-5 charge stops each way. Worst I ever experienced was arriving at Jamaica Inn, Bodmin in the middle of 70mph storm at 2100hrs in the middle of winter with 2 miles left on the GOM. I didn't know whether to have a heart attack or vomit!! ?. Literally 14 miles to the next ( highly unreliable) charge station.
Over the last 18 Month found out if I just take it easy ( up to 60mph(ish)), I could comfortably manage 80 miles between chargers - that and the increased number of chargers out there. I can now do it in 3 charge stops ??.
Well, no. Now that I've traded the dear old Soul in for an MG4 se lr I should be able to do it in none ?.... Although there may be a wee, coffee and cake stop during which time I'll take a top up.
If that would have been me I’d vomit then heart attack straight after ?
When I literally last minute decided on an EV, wife picked the colour & it was her friend who said ( she has a Kia EV6 )
“Once Adam gets over the range anxiety he will love it” & she was 100% right
It’s funny though, since owning it I’ve had a few comments not from people against EVs, their intrigued but like me didn’t/don’t know much about them
“But they don’t go very far” … When I tell them the miles mine can do & other models/makes can do more they looked shocked
I think the best comments are ones like
“What if the battery runs out”
I once honestly had to think of a way of replying & not sounding sarcastic & saying
“Well if your daft enough to be driving it when it’s showing 1% & not planning on a charge ASAP then an EV probably isn’t for you”
Do they actually think about it & ask themselves “what if a run out of petrol/diesel?”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mocking them, I’m still learning myself but it is funny the mindset of a lot of people regarding EVs but slowly but surely more are jumping on board. Well definitely here on the Isle of Wight, especially the last 12 months I’m seeing a lot more on the road
I actually saw my first in the flesh BMW IX M50 today in M&S car park. I know a lot don’t like the design but to me it was gorgeous but slightly out of my price range ?