Hi guys, I feel like I'm having issues with my Xpower and don't feel the performance is living up to the expectations.
I've started to record some 0-60mph/100kph times and compare against battery levels.
My expectations was that I would start losing performance at maybe 20% battery, but it seems as though it drops off instantly below 100%.
Now I don't have all the fancy gear, only an app on my phone and GPS. I know its not going to be perfect, but I think for the purpose of this it'll be close enough to get a fair idea.
Obviously road surface varies and what not around the place, but if anyone else can chip in and we can start putting together an average pattern.
I regularly drive 100km each day and normally only charge to 80%, but I can really feel the car getting slow; to the point of watching the speed tick up until I get to the speed limit.
Anyway, a few runs I've done so far:
10% - 7 sec
24% - 5.9 sec
27% - 6 sec
34% - 5.7 sec
47% - 5.4 sec
98% - 3.9 sec