Established Member
It will balance.This is all very interesting. I am using my Zappi for the first time as I type. My main question is whether the Zappi will allow the car to balance when it gets to 100%, or whether it will see 100% in the car and just cut off the power. It's no big deal to switch to the granny lead to let the car balance I suppose, but it would be nice not to have to.
The granny lead will take power from the battery like any other 13a device (TV,Freezer etc) and when the battery depletes it will then take from the grid (if the sun is not shining) where as the Zappi if put on FAST charge or a scheduled ECO++ charge then it will take from the grid. I have my ECO++ scheduled for 2-5am (Cheap rate on Octopus Flux) the rest of the time it's sun powered.Yesterday I got home late and realised the car needed a little bit extra to cover this morning's driving. I didn't go near the Zappi, just plugged in the granny lead. That took power from the home battery, which could stand it, and I stopped the charge after a couple of hours, at 1.30 am, with the battery still looking reasonable.
Yes, it cuts off before full delpeation. I have mine set at 10% to cut off.When I woke up at 8.15 the battery was down at 18%, having powered the house all night, but the sun was beginning to do stuff, certainly enough to keep the house ticking over. I decided the car needed a little more and started the granny charge again. When the battery got down to 5% it stopped discharging and switched the load to the grid, so I stopped the charge as I had enough. Battery probably trying to protect itself.
How big is your house battery? ie in kW, for example I have dual 9.4kW batteries making 18.8kW potential.
My G99 only took over a week to come back, then it's just giving your electrical supplier the MPAN number. With Octopus you do this online and I was being paid for export 3 days later (as long as you have a SMETS2 electric meter or a compatible SMETS1 meter. Mine is a compatible SMETS1 so it worked straight away. Basically if your meter can send reading every 30mins then your OKAbout then the sun began to break through and I went off for a music lesson. I watched what was going on during the 2-hour lesson, until I was told off for inattentiveness! One thing that confused me, and I see it confirmed in the GivEnergy web page, is that even when the battery was still under 50%, it would chuck power to the grid if the solar was fairly high. To me this is a waste as I'm not yet getting paid for export (G99 not yet come through), and even if I was, isn't it better to hold on to it than to sent it away? Maybe the battery has a maximum charge power less than the solar can generate? But we're only talking 6.6 kw from the solar, I'd have thought it could handle that.
Correct.I got home on 7% charge in the car, because I'm still trying to do this <10% to 100% charge that I aborted last week. About half an hour later the home battery got to 100% and I decided the car wanted the sunbeams now. I started with the granny lead but soon realised that was taking only a small fraction of the solar output, leaving a lot to go back to the grid, so switched to the Zappi. This had the opposite issue, in that the system now needed some grid power to keep up the full charge speed. (I didn't use one of the eco modes because I want that charge to happen in one uninterrupted exercise.)
It will come to you quickly, and I bet you will be looking at the stats all the time seeing how much is being generated. I still look several times a day.At first the system seemed to want to protect the battery, keeping it at 100% by taking power from the grid. But after a while the battery started to kick in as the solar generation faded, and it's now down to 50%. It'll probably have discharged by the time the charge finishes at 9.20. I don't really mind, I'm using up a little bit of the credit I still have with Scottish Power in advance of the switchover to Octopus tomorrow, but I'm trying to understand the logic of what's happening.
I don't yet have a variable tariff (by the end of the week I hope) or an export tariff (maybe as long as July, I'm told), so there will be these things to get to grips with. Also the installer said to leave the car plugged in to the Zappi on eco mode and it would just take what excess solar happened along, so I might try that tomorrow (although I'll have to go on a joyride first to get the car battery down a bit!)
All very interesting, and complicated by me trying to do that long charge, but I'm learning. I hope to get to a place where I can just leave it all set up in a favourable configuration and let it get on with it with miminal interference, but I need to understand the logic of how it works first!
If you want to take advantage of your energy suppliers cheap import rate, then schedule high energy things for that time, I set the dishwasher and washing machine to operate during 2-5am, this way you make sure you don't use during the day especially on cloud days and end up using the grid as there is not enough house battery to supply the couple of kW's they use and if this happens during the evening it could cost you a lot as for example Octopus Flux 4-7pm it costs 33p/kW. Better to use it at 2-5 for 14p/kW
I also have a scheduled 3 hour Zappi ECO++ for 2-5am, so if the car happens to be plugged in then it gets charged at a cheap rate, I can manage 21kW MG charging during that 3 hour period and it only costs me £3 to give the car a 30% charge. That's the only time I use a scheduld Zappi charge and the inverter is capable of charing the car at 7kW and also topping the house batteries and provide house consumption.
My Luxpower inverter has a weather system built in which also controls the battery charging depending on the next day's weather conditions, it sets the SOC between 50% to 90% to charge to during the 2-5am period.