I too, have an old Volvo (xc70 2.4) as a plan B / bad weather car.. the volvo is a heavier sturdier car but the Mg5 is really well built and drives so much nicer than the volvo. The recent cost of the timing belt and new suspension parts for the volvo would be equivalent to the cost of driving the Mg5 40,000 miles !. Diesel for 40,000 in the volvo would be around £8000. Oh, and another £1400 road tax. And Mots, repairs, congestion charges etc..etc. so maybe keeping your old volvo AND getting an Mg5 would overall be cheaper overall and give you the security of having at least one car that's good to go. I'm fortunate to have somewhere offroad to stash my volvo. I can un SORN it in minutes if I need it. Only £210 a year to insure the volvo which is doing less than 4k a year.