Established Member
35kg (77lb or about 3/4 cwt, or about the max weight of an airline check-in suitcase ) is quite a lot to lift, especially more than a foot off the ground, let alone up to roof level.
It's a generalisation about the likely weight of an ebike but, from THIS SITE
"An average electric bicycle weighs around 45-50 pounds (18-22 kg). A typical traditional non-electric bike may weigh around 30-35 pounds (12-13 kg)."
Remember to add the weight of carrier, roof bars and lashings.
It's a generalisation about the likely weight of an ebike but, from THIS SITE
"An average electric bicycle weighs around 45-50 pounds (18-22 kg). A typical traditional non-electric bike may weigh around 30-35 pounds (12-13 kg)."
Remember to add the weight of carrier, roof bars and lashings.