ICE cars included.
Fuel consumption at 60 Mph vs 75 Mph and there is a big reduction in economy.
Maybe not as much as an EV, but never the less, more fuel is being burnt.
Higher RPM's effectively mean the engine is working harder.
Back in the day all manual cars had 4 speed gearboxes, this increased to 5 gears, then to 6 gears.
Reducing the RPM's of the engine via the stretched gear ratio's.
When the first five speed gearboxes where introduced, at lot of they where running with the same engine unit.
A quick way to increase the MPG by dropping the RPM's of the engine, in order to consume less juice.
When cruising, the aim was to keep the engine RPM below the 3,000 mark.
Above this figure and the fuel consumption drops quite significantly.
The extra gear was a quick fix to improve the fuel consumption figures.
But then the majority of ICE drivers I have seen driving on the motorway networks, don't give this much or any consideration at all to be honest

In many cases they are carrying around a massive surplus of fuel in the tank and pay no attention to their fuel consumption figures.
Maybe a lot of the really fast drivers are burning fuel, that has been paid for by the company they are employed by !.
I love it when somebody driving aggressively, who is hell bent on over taking us, they scream past and then when we get around the corner and they are stuck at a set of traffic light on red.
They must see me just shaking my head, as I pull up along side them !.
I am not that keen on hospital food myself.
It's buggers like that, who help increase my insurance premium each year.
I do get a bit feed up of supporting these type of aggressive drivers year after year myself ?