Thank you very much Jody for posting this topic, I was looking a long time for SOH data from other MG users.
On the Dutch forums I also asked for this data and got it from about 4 users and everybody was having still 100% SOH. Even captain DIY in the warm Thailand is still having 100% after about 20.000 km.
My SoH dropped down to 99% after one year of driving with 9000 km and a few months later again to 98%. After updating OVMS I can read one digit more and at he moment it is 97,6% (car 16 months old).
I got the feeling I was the only one with this problems and was not so happy, but now I read your topic it seems I am not the only one.
I wonder how much difference there is from several users.
I love accelarating with the MG, powermeter to 100%, but I think the battery does not like this too much.
I also have a very high cell voltage delta (62 mV), in the garage they said up to 100 mV is OK, but what I read it should be not more then 20 mV.
Could this cause battery degradation?
I am interesting in the voltage value’s of other users, especial those with low SOH.
I always charge with 13A granny to 80%, 4 times and then one time to 100% for balancing. Also 100% when making a long trip. Rapid chargers only used 3 times. Battery 100% = 455V.
I have BMS 0823600P09 from the day I bought the car.
Balancing is starting at 99,8% and takes only 9 minutes, is this normal?
The milage after charging I can see in the OVMS app, this value is matching with eco-mode with hvac on, normal start.
With this settings, last summer it was 262 km in june with SOH still 100%.
At the moment it is going down, but this is also due to the colder weather.
When you look at this website 97,6% SOH is actually very normal after 16 months.
Nissan Leaf 2017 is about the same as my MG, but Kia Soul 2017 is much better.
A pity this site is not so complete, but after some time it will come.
OK, here some screenshots of my data.
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