Post your MG ZS EV battery SOH data please

Thanks for your opinion. Interesting. I did speak to the technician directly, but he was telling me porkies to my face!
Trouble is, you have to try the dealer to find out if they are co-operative, and the service is only once a year.
First use if the car at 07-01-2020
Last 100% SoH was at 07-01-2021 @ 9000 Km

Just some value’s from the last seven months:
12-09-2021 97,4%
01-11-2022 97,18%
01-19-2022 96,98%
?? 96,78%
03-03-2022 96,57% 15183 Km
03-14-2022 96,37% 15603 Km
04-12-2022 96,16% 16151 Km
04-30-2022 96,02%. 16666 Km
06-08-2022 95,86%. 17694 Km

Today still 95,86% @ 18180 Km, it seems like the degradation is a little bit slowing down.
Yes, degradation is usually fastest when new then slows right down. Often people get freaked out when they see the first few numbers but as mentioned it will slow. Enjoy your EV ?
I wasn't aware you could get the SOH without having the car charged to 100%. You learn something everyday (y) Just connected up the OBD scanner to the ZSEV to see for myself.

2020 MG ZS EV, Low mileage 2159, zero fast charges, still on original 455V software.


SOH: 94%
Mileage: 17026.9M
30 Months old
Approx 5% DC to AC charges
Probably 80 charges to 100 (I tend to keep it under)
GOM: 162 Miles

Is this about average?
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SOH: 94%
Mileage: 17026.9M
30 Months old
Approx 5% DC to AC charges
Probably 80 charges to 100 (I tend to keep it under)
GOM: 162 Miles

Is this about average?
Mine SoH 95,86%
Mileage 11490 M
24 months old
range in eco with AVHC on 155 M
Maybe only two DC charges and 4 to 1 80% - 100%
strange that you have more range with lower SoH??
Did you also use eco with AVHC on?
This week wil charge to 100% with higher outside temperature, last time it was a little bit cold.
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strange that you have more range with lower SoH??
Did you also use eco with AVHC on?
This week wil charge to 100% with higher outside temperature, last time it was a little bit cold.
Yes, I drive 99.9% of the time in Eco. I always have HVAC on.

I'm showing an average miles per KW of 3.9. I don't know if that factors into the GOM.
Please would you recommend an OBD scanner for use in my MG ZS EV
I used OVMS because there's a good app and the ZS EV is well supported with it. However, the link to purchase one in Europe is currently dead - Buy OVMS | Open Vehicles

I'm not sure why the open energy monitor shop doesn't seem to sell them any more. Maybe someone else can shed some light on this?
100% SOH at 2 years old and 4,500 miles.
Edit: forgot to say, only one DC charge in two years from 30% to 85% charge.
100% charge on home 7kW every 4-6 weeks to balance.
Rest of the time topping up between 50-80% (by around 25%) once a week on Tesco's free 7kW chargers. So my battery lives in the 50-80% range most of the time and seems to be loving it.
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SOH 100%
13181miles / 21213km over 10 months
Mostly fast charges to 80-90% with up to 4 charges to 100% a month, dropped below 20% maybe 5 times, lowest was 13%.
100% SOH at 2 years old and 4,500 miles.
Edit: forgot to say, only one DC charge in two years from 30% to 85% charge.
100% charge on home 7kW every 4-6 weeks to balance.
Rest of the time topping up between 50-80% (by around 25%) once a week on Tesco's free 7kW chargers. So my battery lives in the 50-80% range most of the time and seems to be loving it.
I think we can safely say now, that the degradation is primarily mileage related and not age.
6 months in and 9,600 miles driven.

100% SOH :-)


Degradation will depend upon:

Charging to 100% - not ideal.
Leaving the battery at 100% - not ideal.
Run down to 0% - not ideal.
Rapid Charge a lot - not ideal.
Number of Charge Cycles, (miles driven).

A full charge cycle is 0% to 100%. For example, if you charge from 30% to 80% that is only 1/2 of a charge cycle.

Note that the LFP Batteries found in the SR ZS EV are not as affected by charging to 100%, in fact it is better to do so for the BMS.

A typical LR battery is good for at least 2000 charge cycles to 80% SOH, so around 400,000 miles. This can be improved by opportunistic charging, ie. keep the charge level in the region 20% to 80%.

A typical SR battery is good for at least 4000 charge cycles to 80% SOH, so around 600,000 miles.
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Interesting. I came here because I am worried about a decline.

After a full charge, including balancing.

SOH: 96.4
Voltage: 452
ODO: 12021 km (7469 miles)
GOM after charge: 251 km on Normal (previously 263 until a few months ago).
Bought: March 2020 - so about 18 months old.

So, I've lost about the same % in range as SOH.

I've never used a rapid charge. Only 7kW.

It worries me.
@JodyS21 has done a fantastic job of planning out and set up a speed sheet, of HV performance / SOH of the ZS EV Gen1 model battery packs.
This has been compiled by data provided by Gen1 owners who has supplied facts and data from their cars.
This data has been taken from cars running on both the original factory software AND cars that received the BMS soft ware update release on the 15th Jan 2020.
It makes very interesting reading ? which I am sure could provide interesting reading for some people.
There is pattern that strongly indicates that the Gen 1 model does suffer from battery degradation, more than you would expect compared to other EV’s.
A LOT of data provided by owners with very different usage cases also.
Some with low usage and some covering a lot of miles, regular rapid use and some with none.
Some following what is considered to be a kind to the battery protocol by charging from 20 to 80% and others charging to 100% every single time.
In a nut shell, mileage covered appears to be the dominant factor here !.
Some owners with low usage cases, who have only covered less than 10,000 miles in two years and charge from home reporting 100% SOH to higher usage cases with similar charging behaviours but higher mileage recorded, now seeing a lower SOH of around 94%.
We know that manufactures build in an extra top buffer at the top of the HV pack because when new, they expect the battery to degrade fairly quickly, then slow right down.
This is done so the owner does not start to panic when there range starts to decrease very early in life.
However it appears that this maybe not the case on the Gen 1 models.
As the previous owner of a Gen1 model for over two years and covered 20,000 miles ( with BMS update done ) and 99.9% of my charging done from home and following what is thought to be “Good” charging protocol ( 20 - 30% SOH ) for the majority of the time.
Unless making a longer journey and then charging to 100% and also not allowing the car to sit at 100% SOC - I know that my actual range had been slowly decreasing over this time period.
Others owners have witnessed the same condition happening.
Owners of other EV’s with much larger mileage covered, do not appear to be witnessing as much degradation this early in the cars life cycle ?.
A lesson to be learnt ( and by myself ) here is this.
When choosing an EV set against your present usage case, build in some degradation loss into that equation, or you could be finding yourself charging a lot more often as time passes by.
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6 months in and 9,600 miles driven.

100% SOH :)


Degradation will depend upon:

Charging to 100% - not ideal.
Leaving the battery at 100% - not ideal.
Run down to 0% - not ideal.
Rapid Charge a lot - not ideal.
Number of Charge Cycles, (miles
I completely agree your list, but I think you have to add on rule on it: a lot of wild accelarating with the car so the powermeter is going to 100% many times.
That is exactly what I did, because it is giving me a kick to do so.
100% power means 105 kW, the current on that moment is about 200 - 240 amps. The cells can stand this current but actually don’t like it.
240 amps is much more then the max of a fast charger, but OK for a small moment.
Allthough I have driven only 11.000 miles, car (MG ZS EV) only two years old, my SoH is 95,82% at the moment, lower then average of other users.
I see your car is only 6 months old, I think that explains the 100% SoH.
Mine stayed 100% for excactly one year.
My advice: don’t exceed the green area of the powermeter to much, only when it is really necessary. but it is so lovely to do:cool:
I never use fastchargers and always charge to 80% with every month balancing to 100%.
But my last drop was from 95,86 to 95,82% (only 0,04%) in 40 days, before always about 0,2%. That is giving me good hope:)
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