Set driving mode to eco permanently

Wow! 15% increase in range with no loss of power ?

ECO mode reduces the heater output and fan speeds.

It reduces throttle response by reducing torque demand - torque is directly proportional to power. At no point does ECO mode increase range by 30 to 40 miles for someone using the same driving style in the same driving conditions.

In ECO mode, if you floor the throttle the reduction in torque will be discontinued and you will get maximum power.

Economy is controlled by your right foot. If you drive in NORMAL mode and make gentle movement with your foot when acceleration and slow down early using predictive driving skills, you will achieve the same economy in driving as you do in ECO mode, apart from the reduced heater and fan output which gives a very small improvement of maybe 10 miles.

I would rather drive the car in NORMAL mode and not get too hot or too cold in the car because of reductions in the HVAC system. IMHO :)

On a recent 1040 mile round trip I drove the entire journey in NORMAL mode with MG Pilot on for the large MWay parts of the trip. It was both relaxing and comfortable sat in the car.
Very well written and explained Michael !.
Mode selection is a personal thing, tailored to individual choice.
Purely speaking from myself here, I have found that the default mode of normal and Regen 3 differs little from the two modes.
We owned a Gen1 ZS EV for over two years and covered almost 20,000 miles.
The car was driven in the default mode for 99.9 % of the time in default mode.
We where lucky enough to get updated to the Gen2 face lift LR model in March 2022.
Covered about 4,000 miles todate and again using the default mode.
I am from the same camp that does believe that by driving in normal mode, will produce the same efficiency results as driving in Eco mode IF driven with the intention of trying to gain the maximum range from your car.
Eco mode has the trade off of lowering the power delivery from the motor, which can be mimicked in normal mode, by controlling your right foot.
Like imagining you have a fresh chickens egg placed between the GO pedal and the sole of your right shoe ?.
Maximum performance ( sport mode ) is still available if required, when using either eco or normal modes, buy flooring the GO pedal to floor.
We all understand that use of the cabin heater or A/C ( to a lesser extent) has a greedy / detrimental effect on your predicted range.
So, by having a Eco mode without cutting the GO pedal responce and the HVAC performance has very little use at all, they go hand in hand really.
Placing the car in Eco mode, then questioning why the cabin heating has reduced or that you can not get away from the traffic lights, as quickly as “White Van Man” completely baffles me ?.
If by using Eco mode suggests you can gain an extra 10 - 15 miles of range by using it, then the extra range has to come from somewhere ?.
The car can not magically add these extra miles from thin air, when the battery ican only hold a certain level of energy, when it’s depleted, it’s depleted.
How you ( the car ) consumes that storage bank of energy, is the trick to economic driving.
It is nice to believe that your range has increased by use of Eco mode by adding what appears to be more range, but this is only a “prediction / guest - o - matted” against your historical driving style.
There is no right or wrong driving mode really, because we are all individuals with different wants and wishes.
I think the default mode was chosen as the default go to setting, because it is a good “all rounder” for 90% of the folks using an EV.
Wow! 15% increase in range with no loss of power ?

ECO mode reduces the heater output and fan speeds.

It reduces throttle response by reducing torque demand - torque is directly proportional to power. At no point does ECO mode increase range by 30 to 40 miles for someone using the same driving style in the same driving conditions.

In ECO mode, if you floor the throttle the reduction in torque will be discontinued and you will get maximum power.

Economy is controlled by your right foot. If you drive in NORMAL mode and make gentle movement with your foot when acceleration and slow down early using predictive driving skills, you will achieve the same economy in driving as you do in ECO mode, apart from the reduced heater and fan output which gives a very small improvement of maybe 10 miles.

I would rather drive the car in NORMAL mode and not get too hot or too cold in the car because of reductions in the HVAC system. IMHO :)

On a recent 1040 mile round trip I drove the entire journey in NORMAL mode with MG Pilot on for the large MWay parts of the trip. It was both relaxing and comfortable sat in the car.
Ok I get what your saying but here is a photo that was taken when charged my car.
For what it's worth, I usually select eco mode and leave KERS in the highest level. I don't find very much difference to the conditioner in eco or normal mode apart from a slight reduction in fan speed - I have never found the need to use sport mode - and in cold weather not a lot of difference in heating, although there is some.

For what it's worth, I usually select eco mode and leave KERS in the highest level. I don't find very much difference to the conditioner in eco or normal mode apart from a slight reduction in fan speed - I have never found the need to use sport mode - and in cold weather not a lot of difference in heating, although there is some.

I do exactly that.
I have never found the need to use sport mode
Same here, but in fact you have probably used used it indirectly, without even realising it !.
Example :- You have wanted to overtake a slow moving vehicle like a tractor ? on a country road and only have a limited opportunity to safely make this manoeuvre.
You are driving in either your chosen Eco or Normal mode and spot a chance to make your move.
You pull out and request max power from the motor buy flooring the GO pedal, the car instantly reads your request and provides every bit of power the motor can supply.
You are now briefly in SPORT mode without even knowing it !.
As you complete your manoeuvre, and easy back on the GO pedal, the car reverts to your preselected chosen drive mode.
It has to be this way for safely purposes or it could be dangerous trying to switch modes mid over take !.
It works in a similar way to some extent, when you driving in normal mode, but are driving in a style that suggests to the car, that you are trying to preserve your range.
Your relaxed driving style / habit is then reflected in the increased efficiency/ M/kWh improvement and therefore your higher predicted range on the GOM.
I think by using the same mode on a regular basis ( what ever mode you chose ) is good, because over time it gives you a really good understand of just what is capable in actual range from that one mode.
Dancing & switching will not provide a good understand of what actual range you can achieve from the car.
As a regular normal mode user, if I was running low ( ish ) on range and I am concerned that I may not have enough range to arrive home, I will ask my wife to use the Sat Nav and request an actual distant to home.
If I feel it it going to be a tight fit, then I will switch across to Eco mode briefly, not with the intention of using it, but only to see by what figure it increases the predicted range.
This slightly increased figure predicted, just displays any extra “Fat” to complete the home run.
The problem with using Eco all of the time, in the same situation, is that you have little indication of any wiggle room remaining at the lower end of the pack.
Running a pack this low on a regular basis is not best practice I know, but sometimes it is unavoidable if you have been diverted on a planned route of course.
Resetting trip counters before commencing a long, unknown trip to gain a un-inflated prediction of your estimated range, is another subject all together !.
ECO in summer (Sunroof open), NORMAL in winter (no steam on the windows).......

Each to thier own but I've found it more efficient to run in normal with the AC on and sunroof closed, particularly on the motorway.

To be honest, for me eco is useless and often doesn't gain much, other than an over optimistic GOM and rubbish (non existant) HVAC. I've not seen any difference between normal and sport either.
Each to thier own but I've found it more efficient to run in normal with the AC on and sunroof closed, particularly on the motorway.

To be honest, for me eco is useless and often doesn't gain much, other than an over optimistic GOM and rubbish (non existant) HVAC. I've not seen any difference between normal and sport either.
Ok, but ist lovely to drive with the sunroof open in a nice summer-day, specially in Norway, we are not spoiled with that.......
Both ZS EV models default on start up to driving mode normal and Regen level 3.
Driver settings are only stored until the car is closed down, then it restores back to the default levels set by MG.
I think they considered that the default modes would be the most generally used and then manual intervention per driver would cover the rest !,
I always use the default modes, so it’s all good for me ?.
Hi Geoff, a few question as this thread is getting me very confused, and as I know you have owned both the the Mk1 and now the newer model ZS your the best man to answer them, please correct where I’m wrong.

Default modes at switch on.
ZS Mk1 Eco with Regen 3 Y/N ?
MK2 trophy Normal Regen 3 Y/N ?
Also one other thing in the MK1 that did not come with ACC for heating or cooling, Y/N ?
The new one MK2 SE / trophy I think does.?
(ACC = auto climate control )

Now in the my 5 the exclusive model on switch on that defaults to
normal regen 2.
So in that setting switching on the ACC will give you Max heating or cooling and fan speed you can adjust the temp you want, now if I select the drive mode Eco the ACC also goes into a Eco mode, but there is a button to cancel this if I want to do that therefore getting full heat or cooling while driving in the ECO drive mode, no matter what you do with the regen 1.2 or3 what I’m am saying is on the 5 I can select if I want the HVAC on full in Eco or not, is this not possible on the ZS models.

Edit the GOM when I switch from N2 to E2 gives me around an extra 8 miles or so but I don’t know what it does then when I switch off the Eco button on the heater control panel must look in to that tomorrow.
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Hi Geoff, a few question as this thread is getting me very confused, and as I know you have owned both the the Mk1 and now the newer model ZS your the best man to answer them, please correct where I’m wrong.

Default modes at switch on.
ZS Mk1 Eco with Regen 3 Y/N ?
MK2 trophy Normal Regen 3 Y/N ?
Also one other thing in the MK1 that did not come with ACC for heating or cooling, Y/N ?
The new one MK2 SE / trophy I think does.?
(ACC = auto climate control )

Now in the my 5 the exclusive model on switch on that defaults to
normal regen 2.
So in that setting switching on the ACC will give you Max heating or cooling and fan speed you can adjust the temp you want, now if I select the drive mode Eco the ACC also goes into a Eco mode, but there is a button to cancel this if I want to do that therefore getting full heat or cooling while driving in the ECO drive mode, no matter what you do with the regen 1.2 or3 what I’m am saying is on the 5 I can select if I want the HVAC on full in Eco or not, is this not possible on the ZS models.

Edit the GOM when I switch from N2 to E2 gives me around an extra 8 miles or so but I don’t know what it does then when I switch off the Eco button on the heater control panel must look in to that tomorrow.
Hi Les - Both ZS EV's Gen 1 & Gen 2 BOTH have the very same default modes, they are both defaulted to driving mode NORMAL and max regen level 3.
However, regen level 3 on the GEN 2 face lift does not feel as strong as on the Gen 1 model.
I believe default driving mode on the MG5 is NORMAL with regen level 2.
HVAC system - The Gen 1 model is of the basic manual HVAC type system, while the Gen 2 has a better HVAC climate control system, this has an auto setting that can be selected by the driver, or by the App - ( No App on the Gen1 model of course ).
It offers the driver manual control of temp and of fan speeds of course.
The Gen 2 model has heat / cooling flaps control set into the back of the rear arm rest consul, but not on the Gen 1 model.
Ref your question on range loss using eco over normal mode.
Try this Les, in the morning boot up the car with the HVAC turned OFF.
Make a quick note of your available range on the GOM.
You are in the default driving mode of normal.
Turn on the HVAC and keep an eye on the GOM - Now start to increase the demand for heat, bit by bit.
As you increase the demand for heat, you will see your predicted range on the GOM start to reduce.
When you actually hit the MAX heat setting, you will see the full effect on the reduction in range on the GOM.
In the winter time this can be over 15 miles in difference.
You can do the same while travelling with the HVAC preset, then switch driving modes from Eco to Normal and Sport.
Watch the GOM adjust the predicted range depending on your selection of driving modes.
Hope this makes some sense Les ???.
Regards - Jeff.
Thanks for that Jeff, just one thing outstanding in my questions I said/asked about an Eco button is there one in the new ZS like the 5

on the 5 I can select if I want the HVAC on full in Eco or not, is this not possible on the ZS models.?

I said a short while ago in another thread about range I don’t know why MG set the defaults as they do, max range I would have said is the most important thing for an EV but, as we both agree the best way to that is via the right foot and good anticipation of the road ahead.
Sorry Les, but I have never been inside of a MG 5 never mind driven one !.
But if I have understood your question correctly, then does the HVAC system have a normal and a eco button setting on the ZS EV's - then no it does not ?.
The HVAC's ability to heat and cool the car is reduced when the eco DRIVING mode is selected, there is not two settings available on the HVAC unit itself.
Max heating and cooling, is fully available in driving modes NORMAL & SPORT.
You can crank the heat setting to MAX in the winter time, but you will not receive the FULL max heating to the cabin, if you are using Eco mode.
It sort of makes sense really, because we know that the cabin heater is a big consumer of range, so asking for MAX heat while trying to preserve range, does not go hand in hand.
If you speak to anybody who has ever tried to struggle to the next charge point in the winter, then the first thing that gets turned off is the cabin heater !.
You can actually get the same economy performance out of "Normal" if you drive it right... I have managed to get 4.3 miles per kW with the A/C on in Normal mode before so it is doable... just relies on you being a bit lighter with the go pedal
Don’t like eco mode everything just seems heavier to me and fairly unpleasant to drive I only use this mode when I am very low on miles and desperately need to find a charger

Sounds about right :-)

I am fortunate to have the LR Trophy Connect, so running low on miles is not something I am troubled by :-)
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