I had an interesting blather with a guy in San Diego last night. Basically it’s sort of quaint that we’re so interested in evs in UK etc but it’ll never catch on in the USA.
The cars are far too expensive (he drives a BMW monster urban tractor)
The charging infrastructure is useless - there’s only scant coverage up the west and east coasts and odd pockets in between and he was sure it would be the same worldwide.
I tried showing him the Zap map and the Tesla maps with charge stations obliterating the map details but apparently that doesn’t prove anything??
No no, the electric “fad” has run its course. Most folk are patiently waiting for the imminent development of ultra clean hydrogen based fuel which will produce no emissions when used in their standard ice motors.
I pointed out the house along the street bristling with solar panels and a Tesla tethered to a charge point by the garage door. That just proves how useless the whole concept is - “Oh that car sits like that most days” ?


I’m seeing Teslas coming out of the woodwork, Kia’s, Hyundai’s et all gliding quietly past. Non descript styled Cybertrucks, beautiful Rivians and F150 Lightnings here and there.
I came out of the car park over by the Target store the other night and found a regiment of Tesla chargers looking over the gas station where I half filled the Ram’s “empties like it’s leaking ?”
fuel tank.
Oh aye - the answer I got when I indicated the house with the panels ?
“Yeah I’ve got panels too but they couldn’t fill a car - it’s much faster to fill up at the gas station when I’m going anywhere” ???
So Mack the Doodle and I continued our walk
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