It's all good. Been driving ev for 5 years now, 4 of which were in a 30kwh battery vehicle, all year round with a 500 mile round trip every 6 weeks, recharging every 50 miles, so the MG4 is a real treat. My bladder gives out far sooner than my battery charge.
This weekend I am driving Hayle - Wolverhampton - Oswestry- Hayle ( down through centre of Wales ) . I am fully aware of the vagaries of GOM.
Reset it this a.m. at the beginning of the trip, having been doing local 30mph trips all summer. GOM gave me 295@ 100%. Was going to go for trying maxing out range but realised it wasn't going to happen, so went to the other end of the scale and hammered it up here. Obviously the resultant figures of 200 miles @ 100%(ish) are based on that ( and much lower temps) . Still loving Tesla chargers ( and the car) . Will make the whole journey with every charge being Tesla apart from that one above, instavolt on electroverse, so quite smug about that.