OK, obviously, this is a personal gripe and others may disagree. But this one really gets to me.
You leave the MG5 with your lights still on - and it "beeps" at you when you try to lock it. That's fine.
You leave your keys in the car - and it "beeps" at you again. Good, you obviously don't want to leave the keys in the car.
You've been using Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, and you leave the phone attached to the USB cable. You leave the car, try to lock it, and it says "You want to leave your phone in the car? Fine by me!" - and LETS YOU DO IT!!! And you walk away from the car, and ten minutes later you realize that you've left the f***ing thing in the f***ing car and you've got to go back for it...
I mean - really? How hard could it be to "beep" at you and not lock the car if your phone is still attached?
...mutter mutter mutter mutter...
Anyone agree with me? Anyone have other trivial gripes that annoy them immensely?