I always use ACC on motorways (not Pilot, I prefer to do the steering if I have to have my hands on the wheel anyway). I usually set speed to 65 which since the speedo is so accurate is the equivalent of about 70 on most other cars. (You can tell the other cars that have theirs set to 70 as you slowly creep up on them

Another thing to remember is that slowing down and speeding up is costly whether in an ICEV or an EV so switch to KERS 1 on motorways to avoid having to decelerate and accelerate so rapidly and often.
Anyways, talking about economy, beat this of you can.
View attachment 17459
For anybody newish on here you will find you can't, the m/kWh tops out at 20 on the display.
I sometimes mange this as the first half mile from my house in one direction is downhill but it is wiped out on the return leg uphill of course.
What I have never achieved is maintaining that for such a long distance 2.9 miles.
Can anybody beat 2.9 miles ? I challenge you all