ChaDeMo vs CCS is like the old battle between 8 track and cassette and then Betamax and VHS formats !.
And we ALL know how them battles ended !.
Close the door on your way out, with your P45 clutched firmly in hand Mr. ChaDeMo - There is a taxi waiting booked in your name.
Oh …… It’s a single fair, no return ride any time soon ?.
The weird thing though is, all the way back in 2014 the EU mandated that all new DC Fast chargers installed would have to have a CCS charger.
So 8 years ago, the EU, made it clear what it saw as the "winning" standard, atleast in the EU region, but still to this day, Nissan still makes cars that have ChaDeMo connectors for fast DC Charging.
I get that ChaDeMo might not be dead in Japan, but how arrogant would you have to be, not to offer a charger and connector that is the defacto standard in the EU, to EU citizens.
I read somewhere that Nissan finally began selling cars in the Europe that has a CCS port, but come on, why did they wait 8 years.
I mean...Tesla is kind of the Iphone of the automotive industry, and even they jumped ship in 2018 and changed over to CCS chargeports.
I can say that i, personally could very well have been driving a Nissan today, if it was not for their insane decision to keep ChaDeMo, and judging by the sigh, i at one time got from a Nissan dealer when i stood in front of his shop, looking at a Leaf, and he asked if i was interested, and i said "Can i have it with a CCS charge connector", i am FAR from, the first person to say that to him.
He offcourse had to say "no" and then i said, well that's a shame, then i am not interested. (This was back in 2018/2019 sometime)