Being an ex mechanic with 50 yrs in the trade, MG was always a car you drove for fun, they were not known for their lack of problems ..... Being one of the BMC range, they had the reputation for having an external oil cooler, the oil cooled as it leaked out and was cooled by the time it covered the driveway

I did note in the survey, they listed what the problem areas were for each of the cars listed .... until it came to the MG4 ....... Let's face it, if the entertainment system has glitches ... hardly a life threatening or driveability issue, more of a first world problem, same as a lot of the issues.
The biggest issue seems to be the poor fault fixing by the dealerships .... probably down to poor technician (not mechanics any more) training and that all comes back to the central office for the country concerned ..... maybe complaints direct to the parent company might shake loose some of the apathy in the UK head office, or maybe once asked, they can point to the area up line that is giving them the bad name ....... or maybe someone can do a Gilbert and Sulivan performance based on the Pirates of Penzance to embarrass them into action
T1 Terry