Hi ajw1100,
Just for your information and to put your mind at rest. The leather used in the HS plug in (especially in the luxury model), is in fact real leather, supplied and fashioned by Bader leather products of germany. They have many factories throught the world, including several in China. The hides are horse, and not cow, hence the slightly smoother,softer feel. This is the same leather they use in high end handbags,shoes and household seating as well as cars.
So, to ensure the leather keeps its looks and feel, it is a simple case of using a good quality leather preserver or polish.
I live in the Algarve where the strong sunlight is always a problem. Whenever the car is parked up I always use a good reflective sunshade in the windscreen to try to minimise the temperature inside the car, and shade the leather as much as possible. Infact, it is more effective to have a large sunscreen secured on the outside of the windscreen to stop the suns rays and heat from penetrating into the car in the first place. ( of course, where you park will play a large part in using the outside option, as there could be the possibility of some little git swiping the said cover!!!)
Any way, just a little information for you.
PS. A small sticker in the windscreen stating "I OWN A GUN" may well make any would be " tea leaf" think twice !!!!!