I'm an amateur/hobbyist detailer (undoubtedly fed by my OCD!), and for me washing a car is an all day or even TWO days (to clean off drips and water spots)
The process...
Wheel shampoo such as the Auto Finesse product mixed in bucket with water.
Spray wheels tyres wheel arch liners with jet washer
Spray wheels with brake dust remover - a P&S Product
Leave to dwell, and then using the wheel shampoo solution clean the wheel drums with appropriate wheel brush product - Gyeon wheel brush, and a finer brush for the area between the drum and brake calliper. In the case of the MG clean behind the alloy wheel spokes with mit.
Clean inside wheel nut appatures with fine detailing brush.
Clean the face of alloy wheel with mit.
Using a wheel arch liner brush, clean wheel arches, and then clean again with mit in order not to miss any of tye wheel arch.
Clean the tyres.
The wheel and liner process probably takes about 45 minutes.
Moving onto the bodywork, Spray tye car with a snowfoam product - Autoglym Polar snow foam. Leave to dwell.
Rines whole car with pressure washer.
Using the two bucket method with grit guard and lambswool mit, shampoo the whole car (for the MG I use an Angelwax product which is PH neutral - this means the ceramic coating will not be effected)
Rinse whole car again with pressure washer.
Apply drying aid - Gyeon Wet Coat
Rinse whole car again with pressure washer.
Dry exterior with suitably soft drying towels, although I plan on investing in an air dryer (rechargeable) to help with the drying process drips etc.
Apply quick detailer product- for the MG another Angelwax product.
Then start on the interior...!!!
For me when finished, as far as is humanly possible for something that is being driven around, the car should always look like a brand new car just driven out the showroom!
This was a picture of my Maserati just before being sold at seven years old.
In fact forgive my vanity, a few pictures of the car that replaced the Maserati, which I’ve now had for two years…
As you can see a truly obsessive!!!