I would have definitely had a MG Maestro Turbo back in the day.
What car mad 17 year old wouldn't have?
I was learning to drive in an Austin 1100 at the time, so the MG product seemed like a bang up to date Spaceship to me.
Sadly made from Unobtanium and way past my financial reach at that time.
I can still remember seeing them on the streets of Bristol in the late 80's
Along with other exotica of the time, such as the Fiat Uno Turbo, Renault 5 Turbo.
Vauxhall Astra GTE, Peugeot 205 GTI, Volkswagen Golf GTI, Vauxhall Cavalier SRI 130.
And who can forget the only one I really wanted...... The Ford Escort RS Turbo....... in white. (Series 1 from 1984)
At the time, I had no idea how the superhero owners managed to control the 132bhp!
The Austin 1100 I was piloting around had 50bhp when it left the factory, so the 10 year old one I was in? probably had less, much less.
Quantum leap 13 years into the future when I could at last, afford to buy a fast car for myself, and bought a Ford Escort RS Cosworth in 1998.
And to think back now, how fast I thought 224 bhp was back then!!
224 bhp /1375 kg = 163 bhp per tonne.
(Inc 80kg driver)
My MG X Power...
429 bhp / 1880 kg = 228 bhp per tonne.
A difference of just 65 bhp.
I still remember my Cosworth being a Very Fast car and even more so when I had her upgraded with 430 bhp.
No surprise really as the bhp per tonne figure was 313!!
That's 85 bhp more than my X Power!!
The X Power would have still beaten it 0 to 60, but that's about it.
My Cosworth would have out handled it and left it behind as the X Power hits the limiter at circa 120 mph!
So progress in performance then?
Not really I suppose, 0 to 60 times notwithstanding.
It just gives those of us with an X Power an idea of how fast "fast" cars were, back in the day.
Granted, my Cossie was modified and my X Power isn't, so no surprises really.
Now a modified X Power......Hmmmm,
Surely there must be some tuning boffin out there trying to re write the software?
Would I do it now?
Probably not.
All the implications and costs that come with a modified car would put me off tbh.
Oh and I must apologise, I appear to have digressed.
As per.
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