You would not credit it, but I,m now having problems with this computer!
In 1979 as a 18 year old numpty I was in my first car, after 3 weeks the indicators stopped working. I had had the foresight to buy a Haynes manual and after a quick look worked out the relay was shot. Local motor factor had them in stock and the problem from start to finish was resolved in 4 hours for 2 quid which included driving 10 miles.
If I was to post on this forum ( hypothetically ) had MG4 for 3 weeks , indicators stopped working, fuses fine as is hazards need car in 4 hours time, anyone any ideas, what responses could I expect.
If it turns out it has a relay , lots of humble pie for me.
As an aside do Haynes still publish relevant manuals?
Thanks for all the replies, My post was meant to include all modern cars not just EVs and MG in particular but I feel that a lot of this software led microchip controlled electronics is a way were manufacturers can tie you in to service plans so you get the updates and were 3rd party ,private garages just will not be able to access the servers of the cars maker rendering their services less desirable. As for people who would like to service or work on their own cars then the conditions of typically 7 year warranties are a major discouragement no matter what their skill levels , which puts us back to shelling out cash to essentially a cartel.
The warranties aren’t a discouragement to DIY fans, there just isn’t so much to do.
They can still change brake pads if they want, they can still change pollen filters themselves, they can still change coolants and transmission fluids.
If they can’t stand a life without tinkering, buy an old car/motorbike or find something else to do with their time.
Less maintenance on cars should be celebrated.