Bit like when I was a child and built karts from old wood, boxes and pram wheels. Used an old cushion as padding under the bum ! ?The job is done.
It isn't one continuous area and my sizes are approximate.
There are several areas above, to the left and right where there is bare metal or gaps.
They are located more by touch than by sight.
I ended up cutting a number of 30 cm squares which I rolled/folded and stuffed into the various gaps, making sure not to obstruct anything.
Also a 10 cm square and a 10 by 25 cm strip which I secured with double sided tape above and to the left of the steering column.
Hopefully I will feel a difference later. I may need to look at the passenger side as well.
GlaZIng. ?Some BMW's have double glasing and I think the new Tesla has too.
(there are probably numerous others )
My Prius has, but only on the front side windows.Some BMW's have double glazing and I think the new Tesla has too.
(there are probably numerous others )
Not the way I read the eBay listing. For the same size piece, the thicknesses all seem to be the same price. ?Thicker the better just costs more
Strange that the passengers side is not affected in the same way ?.Having stuffed wadding into the gaps as described earlier, my feed back is that can feel a noticeable difference.
Before it was hard to tell if the heating was on because my feet and legs felt cold.
I think previously all the heat ducted to the foot well was just going straight up into the dashboard.
Concerning the thickness - my wadding was about an inch thick uncompressed. In most places I stuffed a double thickness into the gaps.