He is not a techie having studied in customer care management at Coventry University and spent three years at Hyundai in Customer Care Case management before moving to MG about seven years ago. He has no expertise in technical matters and is basing everything he says on the recent MG5 bulletin saying all PFL MG5s need a EVCC upgrade.
Those of you with a Linkedin account, look up "Gary Smart MG". Interestingly enough one owner resorted to using linkedin to message him as the official channels have not worked.
Hi all I am looking for some help with my issue and how to deal with MG’s terrible customer service. My MG5 suddenly stopped working: the car would start but I couldn’t select Drive/Neutral/Reverse and all the lights are on the gear selector. This is a video of the issue: Here is my MG5...
He does not acknowledge or understand you have a LR or that the hardware is compatible. His comment of not believing everything you read online is particularly insulting as much of the research has been traced back to MG themselves. Maybe he needs reminding that MG supply most data online so is that all a pack of lies?
He states that the original cars need this upgrade and yes that is correct. But you and I do not have an original car. He then goes onto say that the early MG cars were not compatible - they were but Tesla changed something. He then goes onto say that an MG5 with the latest software is compatible... Yes we know that has MG have been doing it for over 4 months.
He failed to read/understand anything else as I suspect it is beyond him, and he is just quoting the company line. As a result nearly everything he has said is wrong... a lie... and mixed with quite an insulting tone. Not a good image for customer service.
MG if you are listening: stop fobbing us off with answers that demonstrate that MG are quite intent in defrauding its customers. All you have to do is remove the bulletin that states all PFL MG5s need an EVCC swap and we and the dealers will be happy!
I hope it doesn't take legal action but I have a further call with Trading Standards tomorrow.