This is a massive thread and I've not gone back too far, so this may have already been said.
Just had my first service and was updated to R59.
The LKA is now very much more, 'hands off' than it was previously. (R46)
It is also more likely to just beep a warning, instead of instantly tugging the wheel.
I will still turn in off though, as with living in the countryside and roads that get narrow, occasionally you need to move towards the hedges/bushes at the side of the road.
You almost have to "dip' a mirror into the grass if something like a tractor is coming the other way, at speed, and wants too much of the road.
(Madly, some of these behemoths are pulling slurry trailers driven by 16 year olds, and can legally weigh up to 31t!!!)
Depending on the speed, this can prompt the car to try and steer into danger.
And herein lies the problem.
The car sees the side of the road as a problem,
but not the bloody great tractor that is also inbound!!