As reuested. My summary of my experience when rejecting my Xpower.
11/4/24 Car delivered
16/5 vibration problem reported to leasing company
9/5 car taken to local dealer for inspection agreed that there was vibration and a “distortional noise” Wheels balanced, no difference. They also had another two Xpowers in stock which also showed the same issue “suspect a characteristic of the vehicle” was the response.
20/5 car taken to an independent vibration analysis company. A road test drive was undertaken and the vibration was felt and heard. To sum up the report they agreed that the vibration was abnormal and that it was not due to wheel imbalance. The full report was sent to the leasing company, I hope it was also sent to MG.
20/5 Told leasing company I was going to reject the car.
8/7 Financial Ombudsman involved.
12/7 Visit to dealer again, same problem reported, wheels balanced again, then rebalanced at a nearby tyre supplier. No difference
13/8 Fitted steering damper, no difference.
16/8 Replaced all 4 tyres with new Continental Premium Contact 6 tyres no difference.
23/8 End of the road, lease company agreed to the rejection.
As part their report to leasing company MG still insisted that it just vibration through the steering and a “characteristic”. The report was quite condescending and dismissive.