Established Member
Ive done 16000 miles in 21 months with pretty early R13 software (and 21 month old software in all sub modules) in a LR SE.
Though LKA can be a pain, especially on country roads, at no time has the relatively moderate pulling action on the wheel made me feel i would lose control. I have settings on defaults which isn’t maximum interference. I feel im possibly adapting to it as its not as problematic as when i first owned the car.
However, the car has on two situations performed an Estop when it thought i was driving into traffic performing a right hand turn.
Then there was the one time on the M1 when it decided it needed to slow down a lot on ACC when it saw a lorry i was overtaking in the left lane when i was in the middle
These are unpredictable events when the occasional tweak through the wheel is much easier to control
Im going to present a list of complaints to force an update at next service in march
Though LKA can be a pain, especially on country roads, at no time has the relatively moderate pulling action on the wheel made me feel i would lose control. I have settings on defaults which isn’t maximum interference. I feel im possibly adapting to it as its not as problematic as when i first owned the car.
However, the car has on two situations performed an Estop when it thought i was driving into traffic performing a right hand turn.
Then there was the one time on the M1 when it decided it needed to slow down a lot on ACC when it saw a lorry i was overtaking in the left lane when i was in the middle
These are unpredictable events when the occasional tweak through the wheel is much easier to control
Im going to present a list of complaints to force an update at next service in march