Slightly off topic but 'blue badges!' My old Mam still has her blue disability badge because she's wheelchair bound, when I took her for a hospital appointment at Bolton hospital recently I parked in the disabled bays & displayed the blue badge on the dashboard.
Parkingeye has taken over car park duties with new cameras & contactless payment machines at Bolton hospital. I paid the car park fee on leaving (even though I think it's free parking for blue badge holders?), Four days later I receive a £70 parking fine in the post
I filled in their online appeal form with pics of Mams blue badge & bank transaction for the parking fee (lost the receipt

) and had to wait two weeks before they replied & cancelled the fine, It was my fault according to them as you're supposed to register the vehicle you use for that blue badge with the main reception in the hospital, Nothing on any signpost about having to do that

So be warned if you use disability parking bays in parkingeye monitored car parks.