You have well documented some of the positives and negatives but you have to ask yourself do I "need" it or do I "want" it. When it was first announced I thought " yes I want that " when considering the drives I normally do then I reckoned I would only use its attributes less than 5% of the time for some ill considered overtaking which I would not have done , not having it . Would it , make you try manoeuvres just because ??? Only yourself can decide what type of driver you are : if you think it would enhance your capabilities , go for it.
From here to Brive there is a glorious stretch of road ( 18 km ) bendy , twisty , which if clear of traffic, there would not be much in it between a SR and a X power . For the SR, when catching up slower traffic, there are in reality only 3 overtaking spots , for the X power , 2 more , but even then , a bit dodgy, especially considering another X power might be coming the other way. Dual carriageways , no competition, not worth mentioning. TBH if I had one I think the Gendarmes would be knocking on the door on a regular basis , so I'll stick with the more calming lower spec version.