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  1. A

    Waiting times for parts for the MG4

    I’ve said the same a few times on this forum, I’m amazed especially with how many MGs you see on the roads now that dealers here in the U.K don’t have stock of parts. I do wonder if this is an issue mainly with the MG4 or is it the same with other MG models, EV, hybrid? On another forum I use...
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    New MG3 Hybrid+

    Our neighbours daughter pulled up in one last week. She’s over the moon with it, said it’s got plenty of pick up & go & at time she was averaging in the high 50mpg A perfect car for her as she has no where to have a home charger installed so doesn’t have the worry of having to rely on...
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    MG3 Hybrid+ On Order

    There still pretty popular over here, not as popular as mild hybrids/ plug in hybrids but even here on island there’s still loads, probably more places where people can’t have a home charger fitted, no garage, driveway etc Talking to one of the dealers & he said what is helping orders for the...
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    MG3 Hybrid+ On Order

    I’ve got an MG4 myself at the moment but I was at my local dealer recently & saw one, I really like the look of it inside & out. Dealer told me as well at that time orders for the MG3 Hybrid were almost double of all other MG models combined, it’s going to be very popular, well here on the...
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    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    White Trophy, 23 plate parked in M&S ( Newport, Isle of Wight ) car park today just after 2:30pm It wasn’t an Isle of Wight registration
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    Power steering and gear gear selection failure

    Yeah I don’t think it’s anything major, just one of those little quirks My MG4 still has an older software version so maybe it has been fixed in newer updates Of course if you have the newest software already then ignore the last comment ?
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    Snow foam mark on MG4 plastic panel

    If you have any or know anyone that has some I’d try some Autoglym Fast Glass. It’s not just good for polishing glass but good on plastics. In the past I’ve waxed the car & you get a little on the rubber, black plastics & it’s leaves those white milky patches, Fast Glass is excellent at...
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    Power steering and gear gear selection failure

    I’ve had this happen twice now & actually posted on the forum about it. I left the car parked with the wheels at a slight angle. Got the same message when I started & couldn’t turn the wheel or select D or R & like you I fixed it by getting out, locking then unlocking, getting back in & it...
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    Long repair time

    I’ve read on this forum & another forum I use quite a few MG4 owners having to wait up to 6 weeks for parts which I thought was crazy But since November? If you haven’t already I’d be paying regular visits to the repair shop or at least phoning them to see what the hold up is. My own MG4 is...
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    “Fast Charging” - at 3.6kW or less

    I could be wrong buddy but I hope I’m right & you will see it refunded because that’s excessive Good luck ?
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    “Fast Charging” - at 3.6kW or less

    I could be wrong but when you say minimum charge/fee , you sure it’s not just a standing charge they take & adjust after? I mainly use Mer chargers, as soon as my card is accepted they take £20 from my bank ( use to be £10 ) Then say the total cost of my charging is £15, I get refunded £5...
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    Boot size question

    My MG is not with me at the moment but I did find this post, hope it helps.
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    Scratches on paint

    On my last Ford Focus I used ( applying & buffing off very lightly ) Autoglym Super Resin Polish It didn’t get rid of all the swirl marks but it did help + I find personally using some ceramic sprays on these plastics after washing the car helps prevent some swirling because next time you...
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    Close to zero?

    When just using the car for day to day use around where I live I try & keep it over 20% ( did go down to 14% once ) & don’t charge it above 80% unless I’m planning a long trip ( have charged it twice to 100% with no issues ) If it was low on charge & I had to use it quick I don’t think I’d...
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    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    I was behind a 24 plate, red SE just after 4:30am this morning going along Apse Heath until they turned right onto Winford Road. ( Isle of Wight ) It wasn’t an IOW plate
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    Endless problems with this terrible car

    I agree buddy & like you touched on in a previous post, I don’t believe for a minute my issues are common, the forum would be flooded with similar posts. I’m just hoping I haven’t purchased a lemon ( & this isn’t just an MG issue ) or what my dad use to call .. “A Friday Car” … workers on...
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    Empty Screen Washer Tank Warning

    I’m not even sure the Trophy Long Range has it? ( I really need to check the manual ?) Just before we went away for a trip I filled the window washer up. Now it was a brand new 5 litre tub & I used most of it & id of thought I’d of got some warning of low level? Unless the screen wash...
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    Endless problems with this terrible car

    There’s definitely valid criticism. My experience over many years using various forums. You get people that come on, post once absolutely bashing their car, tv etc & then they disappear. Often they are these trolls that do it for the sake of it but I guess others are seriously unhappy & post...
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    MG4 Trophy Passenger Door Stopped working

    My MG has been with them for about a week now Front right indicator stopped working & passenger door mirror has to be replaced ( wasn’t opening/closing properly ) + when it went it they told me the 12v battery has to be replaced Spoke to them yesterday, still waiting on parts ? but lady I...
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    Endless problems with this terrible car

    If your wife is anything like my wife, if you croak she will wire you up to your electrics, use it to revive you so you can sort any issues out & then kill you afterwards but do the job properly ??
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