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    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Saw this today just before 10am, Newport Isle of Wight I didn’t check the number plate so don’t know if it was a Hampshire/Wight registered I still love this colour ?
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    Why I am so happy not to own a Tesla model 3

    That would scramble my brains ? I just had a look at a few YouTube videos of it. The guy done several 0-60 runs Slowest ( yeah right ) 2.3 seconds Quickest , 1.7 seconds He actually said it genuinely hurt his back with the force it pins you back. That steering wheel though. Like...
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    Why I am so happy not to own a Tesla model 3

    I don’t know much about the pros & cons of owning a Tesla but I actually like the look of them ( not just the Model 3 ) To me they look smart in a subtle way. & the Performance versions of various models are staggeringly quick. Some getting a 0-60 time in sub 3 seconds. Even the less sportier...
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    Happy Easter everyone. ??

    Happy Easter Salty & to everyone else. It’s going to be a relaxing do nothing kind of long weekend for us here, perfect ? Enjoy people.
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    MG4 - Loss of power in cold weather with over 30% battery

    3 years? I don’t believe that unless you done exceptionally high mileage in that time Of course you can get a bad battery just like you can get that bad petrol/diesel There’s loads of videos on this but one I watched they stress tested 20 batteries, 1000 cycles of rapid charging them to...
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    MG4 - Loss of power in cold weather with over 30% battery

    Check the thread below folks, hopefully there’s some info in there. I’ve not had my MG4 long but I believe when the high voltage battery gets low you get a message prompting you to go into Energy Saving Mode (I think when it gets to 10%) I might be wrong on this Hope you get it sorted...
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    My new MG4

    Welcome & I hope your new MG brings you a lot of joy ?
  8. A the rain ?

    It was one of the questions I asked the dealer when I picked up the car. He said absolutely no problem using public chargers. All he did say to me is he wouldn’t recommend using a granny charger + an extension lead if it was absolutely chucking it down Only once though since I’ve had the car...
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    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I don’t care about the earth tilting but price of beer going up? I’m going back to petrol/diesel ? We have friends & family that right now have no interest in EVs, that might change in the future, it might not & that’s fine but it isn’t because of the media & the crap they put out daily ( not...
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    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I’m just waiting for a news headline … “EV Causes Massive Sinkhole To Open Up” I’m not joking either ?
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    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Nice to see some positivity from motoring journalists. Here talking about how he thinks EV prices will start to fall.
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    Hub cap removal ?

    Hale & Pace, I loved that show. Mind you, can you imagine the outcry if that was on TV today, some would want it cancelled out of existence.
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    First 250+ mile trip down south in the MG4 LR

    I can’t really give you much helpful advice on chargers as I’ve only ever used Mer public chargers here where I live Just incase though you come across a Mer charger I’d say it is worth getting the Mer app downloaded & set up an account ( it’s free ) Majority of time I’ve used my debit card...
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    Hub cap removal ?

    I got to be honest. As soon as I read the part about your upper arm strength my brain went into top gear readying a very witty reply But then I got to the last part & just conceded it will be no fun now your're expecting it ?
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    Hub cap removal ?

    I took mine off when I gave the car a wax, ceramic coat. I even ceramic coated the covers & alloy’s underneath ( I was on a mission ) Like @GaryMG4 said, just work your way around & ease them off. Surprisingly they went back on without much fuss either. Tbh I was half tempted to leave them...
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    This visions ( with audio ) is going to be with me all day now ?
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    If your in a position to grab one I honestly don’t think you can beat a BMW My daughter only very recently has ordered a iX1 ( her first EV ) she will have it by mid June but they have said now things are speeding up it could possibly be before My brother in law has a 2023 340d. Absolutely...
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    What colour did you choose?

    Apparently only available in China at the moment but I like this silver
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    Poor cross wind performance

    Another off the top of my head thought For the people experiencing issues, have you got the Trophy or SE? I wonder if it’s worse on MG4 with or without the rear roof spoilers? I read they do give extra downforce & apparently cars with them do around 10 miles less than those without Mine...
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