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    Bit Of Fun On A Tuesday.

    @Bricktop X PWR really has a heart of gold. Now if I win the next one, would it be pushing it if I asked him to grab me some shopping on the way down to the Isle of Wight? ?
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    Shell to close 1000 petrol stations.

    I noticed a few days back part of the ground floor of our local Sainsbury car park is closed off, a lot of work being done. My wife’s friend said they are putting in some public chargers ( I believe I read recently quite a few Sainsbury’s were doing the same ) If this is true I’m hoping they...
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    Supagard forum discount

    Thank you Karl ??
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    Shell to close 1000 petrol stations.

    Surely they couldn’t be higher than the Mer chargers I use? Type 2 ( 22kw ) 56p/kwh CCS ( 50kw ) 72p/kwh
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    Bit Of Fun On A Tuesday.

    If you do another one of these buddy, how about upping the prize a bit? Nothing too much, Maybe you visit the winner, give their car a full clean inside & out? Clean their house windows ( top & bottom ) Mow the lawn? That could work ?
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    Shell to close 1000 petrol stations.

    Virtually free! Now that would have been a major incentive for more people to jump on board. Call me cynical though but I suspect once there’s more people even using home charging the prices will go up, they will get their money somehow. I do believe things are moving in the right direction...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    If I remember correctly This one starts at £12, for that you get a wash, dry & hoover £15 all above + you also get a dashboard, door, glass polish Then it goes up depending on what else you choose You can just have you car mats shampooed or the whole interior, seats, carpet Outside...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    For wax, shampoos, snow foams/polar blast I stick to Autoglym products Funny though, I personally prefer Turtle Wax Ceramic sprays for the plastics ( outside ) & the Turtle Wax “Inside Job” is good for interiors, doors, dashboards, screens ( it does say spray directly onto surfaces but when...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    I treated myself to a new Autoglym drying towel last night when in Halfords. I didn’t need to but it’s the first time I’ve seen this particular one on the shelf & the urge was too strong just to walk by & ignore it ? I’m actually going to clean my daughter’s car today. It’s a 23 plate but it...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    That really does look nice buddy especially as it’s hard sometimes to appreciate a wax/sheen coat on a white car ? & I haven’t forgot about your recommendation for Supaguard, I’ll definitely be looking into ordering some. At the moment I use Autoglym Ultra High Definition Wax for the bodywork...
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    Bit Of Fun On A Tuesday.

    Well done @mg4mc ? & some great pictures there @Bricktop X PWR Got to say, I’m still a little disappointed it wasn’t Bigfoot ?
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    Bit Of Fun On A Tuesday.

    Now it might be because I had to take 2 of my strong pain killers a few hours back but looking at this part of the picture, I kind of see a giant Bigfoot hiding ? ?
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    Bit Of Fun On A Tuesday.

    Well I know you said it’s not the sky but I’m just amazed you’ve manage to take a shot of some blue sky All we’ve had here the last week is rain & grey/dark skies or no rain but still dark skies ? So I dunno, peace & quiet? Can you look at that?
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    Can you get the phone to pause during dialling?

    I got to be honest, I’m one that didn’t know about this feature on mobile phones. When I phone my brother I have to use his ext so I will try to see if I can get it to work in the car
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    Whistling noise from rear spoiler (merged)

    I watched a video where the guy said he occasionally noticed a whistle type sound coming from the car. I don’t know if he ever confirmed it but at the end of video he said he thinks it was coming from in & around the active vents at the front. I’m guessing if they were the cause & the sound...
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    Funny signs, graffiti etc. ?

    The ONLY time I’ve ever trusted U.K newspapers is back in a time where you could put your fish & chips in them ?
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    MG4 Depreciation

    I’m probably not the best person to advise you on what lease deals to go for. In my time I’ve been known to rush into things without giving it much thought, my wife says sometimes I have more money than sense ? Now I’m more than happy with my Long Range & will definitely hold onto it for at...
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    Cobham M25 services for EV charging

    If you come across a Mer charger it is worth having the app on your phone. I’ve only used Mer here where I am and mostly its ok just using my debit card/contactless but once it did give me a message saying “Payment Method Not Accepted” loaded the Mer app & payment went through.
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    Outside temperature reading, gone doolally.

    Absolutely disgusting mate. I’d have to tell the guy to go forth & multiply ( after I got my car back & fixed to a good standard ) I couldn’t let that go. I’m hoping I’ll have a better experience with future servicing or any hiccups I might have. Where I got my MG4 use to be Premier Ford, then...
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    MG dealership problem after a breakdown

    Yep was told this first time I used the charger. I parked up & there was a Cupra Born already using it. As I scanned my bank card to start the charge the screen said he was getting a little over 48kw, mine started & it only went to 23kw & his then dropped down to the same I actually got...
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