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    Outside temperature reading, gone doolally.

    I’d be back down that dealer ASAP buddy, that’s beyond shocking ? & I can’t let this go regarding your comments about pouring tomato sauce on your egg! My wife does this & I just look in disbelief, it’s brown sauce or just eat the egg on its own! ?
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    Are you happy with your MG4?

    Sorry to hear this. It surprises me though that it’s taking this long for parts! I would have thought especially with how many MGs are on our roads they would have parts readily available for exactly this kind of thing. Well I hope you get some good news soon. ?
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    MG dealership problem after a breakdown

    Funny because I went down this morning at 6am to charge the car. Shortly after one of our local broadband providers vans pulled on the same charging machine, he did apologise because when 2 vehicles charging at the same time it splits the charge, mine dropped from 48kw down to 23kw when his...
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    New cars stressful ??

    Main thing buddy is the you & the deer are ok & your car is fine. Depending how deep a scratch/mark is on a cars plastic I always find this particular Turtle Wax ceramic spray really good for getting off stubborn marks + about every 4-6 months I give the plastics a coat of it after washing the...
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    MG dealership problem after a breakdown

    That’s all I’ve used to charge my car so far, Mer 50kw charger. The vast majority of chargers here on island are 50kw but Waitrose store now has 2 ultra rapid chargers but I’ve yet to drive over & try Tbh though the 50kw does me fine. When sitting in the car waiting I’ve never seen it go...
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    New cars stressful ??

    Brings back memories of my dad. He would never buy a new car especially if it was a new model to the market. He always said he would give it 2-3 years & let any potential issues be ironed out. He was never interested in mobile phones, computers so not sure how he would of got on with today’s...
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    What is this?

    I like the look of the front. Kind of gives me vibes of the BMW IX & the Lexus RZ.
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    New cars stressful ??

    You should see some of the roads here on the Isle of Wight, especially some of the quiet residential areas, shocking. I’ve lost count the amount of times the council/highways repair them, then 3-6 months later the holes are back. When travelling I often take a longer route if it means I can...
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    New cars stressful ??

    Yep! I was born & raised in London, moved away in 1998 but this was always an issue there. Worst one I had, I was staying with my cousin in Highbury ( had a Vauxhall Cavalier ) got up Monday morning for work & found a scratch on the front left wing, across the front door, they left the back...
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    New cars stressful ??

    This I can relate to 100%. & owning a brand new car is the worst, shows every little mark, tiniest scratch, really isn’t good for the blood pressure. I’m one of these people that will go into a stores car park & park 200 yards away from the entrance if it means my car is not parked near other...
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    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Just before 2pm today Coming from Cowes into Newport ( Isle of Wight ) Just past St Mary’s Hospital there was a blue MG X Power ( EK73 I believe the plate was ) Surprisingly I passed him quite easily! ( I shall pretend he wasn’t slowing down to turn left at the lights ? ) I really do like...
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    Steering wheel message.

    Weird, I just had this happen to me ( reason I searched the forum ) We was just in ASDA car park, I backed into the parking bay at the end & admittedly the car was slightly on the line, front more so & I powered down the car manually & the steering wheel was turned slightly. I didn’t think much...
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    How to drive an electric?

    Same Well unless my daughter is in the car playing her music, that I can’t tap along to ??
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    How to drive an electric?

    I tried it once in my first automatic, 1985 Ford Granada ( I loved that car ) & id say forget about unessasary, it felt unsafe, just didn’t feel natural, never tried it since. Unless the car has a clutch, then I just forget about my left foot. Obviously this is just me, if it works & feels...
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thank you very much ?
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Folks, no doubt it has been posted on here, I’ve probably read it & forgot ? How do you check what software version you have? I picked my car up in January, I’d presume it would have been updated with the latest version available at the time? Even if I have an older version, I’m happy to...
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    My son has worked in I.T, now works for a games company. He said it has often been known for them to put out a software update for a game for it to fix one problem, only to create another. Sometimes it’s made the problem the update was made for worse. Tbh I don’t even know what version of the...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    Thank you again ? I didn’t get a chance to have a proper look last night as I ran late but will do today
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    Thanks very much for this ? I will take a proper look later today.
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    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    My mate messaged me earlier saying a few of the media are reporting a fire in a salvage yard in Essex last night. Some said it was caused by an EV Whatever the truth about this story is I’m starting to wonder with the amount of nutters there are in society now, how many of these fires are being...
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