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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    No, wasn’t the best thing you could have said ? Like mentioned here, the blackberries are bad but a lot of birds eat tiny pebbles, grit, rocks, I believe it’s to do with their digestion so if this lands on the car, drys out it can cause issues if not cleaned off properly Talking of cleaning...
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    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    Thank you ?
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    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    Just correcting myself here as I’ve just pulled onto a public charger As soon as I opened charging door there was 1 blue light on ( car was on 21% ) Plugged charger cable in, about 30 seconds & the 1 light turned green & it started charging Once over 25% charged 2 green lights on I...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    You could be forgiven for believing they aim for these parts on purpose.
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    How do you pre heat the battery

    This morning we left home just before 7am & I received the message about the temperature & would I like to turn on battery heating, I didn’t but weird thing is the outside temperature was 6° At the weekend I went out, the car was frosted over, temperature 0° & no message about heating the...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    Ever thought about putting a roof over your driveway? ? As I posted before though, how & who ( & why ) has done this survey? I’ve had many cars over the years, a lot of different colours & all have been bombarded. Lucky so far with my grey MG but it will change especially come summer when we...
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    Main Beam on - safety issue?

    I’ll keep this is mind for next time ??
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    Main Beam on - safety issue?

    I’ve done this as well My daughter the cheeky cow. Had the car about 3 days, came out in the morning & she stuck a bright pink post it not on the phone charger ledge, on it said “I know age gets the better of us all so don’t blame yourself but remember lights & to turn off lane keep assist”...
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    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    As far as I remember when I open the charging door there’s no lights Plug in the charger it then turns blue Then once the charge starts it turns green I think this was the pattern but I’ll double check when I next charge it
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    Main Beam on - safety issue?

    I haven’t done it myself but can see how it can be easily if your not extra careful My lights do seem to have a mind of their own though. Set on Auto, often during the day, not overcast & I notice it’s got the headlights on as well, not all the time but probably 50/50 so now I often switch...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    I have read this about blackberries I follow a couple of car detailing channels & apparently there was a study done ( who & how they done the study I don’t know ? ) but if you have a red car it’s 18% more likely a bird will do its thing on it. Black cars came in second This is the first grey...
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    How do you pre heat the battery

    Thank you buddy ?
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    They are the worst. Especially bad over here in the summer & the cars been sitting in the sun all day with droppings on it. Then it can be tricky to clean without leaving/putting some marks on the car.
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    How do you pre heat the battery

    Sorry to jump in here folks Do people regularly use this feature? Maybe I should be but I’ve never used it. I only remember seeing one YouTube video where the guy recommended using it if the battery was cold 5-10 minutes before putting it on a fast/rapid charger The limited times I’ve...
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    Have you been targeted by any of our flying friends? If I had a £1 for every time I have cleaned/waxed a car, only for a short time after noticed some bird crap on it I’d be a very rich person ?
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    The list of positives to a good car clean are potentially endless ?
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    Can someone tell me please? (Auto-dimming mirror question.)

    I’m not 100% sure but your mirror has an auto dimming feature I believe the green light just indicates it’s on & working
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    Shiny! (Clean car)

    100% facts. But you didn’t mention the extra range you will get! Few days back I washed & waxed my car Used a ceramic coating ( for plastics ) front, back & sides, even done the wheel covers Rain X on windows inside & out Hoover inside If this hasn’t added another 50 miles of range to...
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    MG4 Trophy LR. Eco or normal

    It’s still the road to go to on the island if you want to let’s say go a bit above your average speed & most of it is still there ( just ) They are talking about closing part of it & building a new road, maybe a tunnel so the part most at risk of collapsing can stop being used I mean it’s...
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    MG4 Trophy LR. Eco or normal

    If that would have been me I’d vomit then heart attack straight after ? When I literally last minute decided on an EV, wife picked the colour & it was her friend who said ( she has a Kia EV6 ) “Once Adam gets over the range anxiety he will love it” & she was 100% right It’s funny though...
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