
Efficiency is the often measurable ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time while performing a task. In a more general sense, it is the ability to do things well, successfully, and without waste.In more mathematical or scientific terms, it signifies the level of performance that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest amount of output. It often specifically comprises the capability of a specific application of effort to produce a specific outcome with a minimum amount or quantity of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort. Efficiency refers to very different inputs and outputs in different fields and industries. In 2019, the European Commission said: "Resource efficiency means using the Earth's limited resources in a sustainable manner while minimising impacts on the environment. It allows us to create more with less and to deliver greater value with less input."Writer Deborah Stone notes that efficiency is "not a goal in itself. It is not something we want for its own sake, but rather because it helps us attain more of the things we value."

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  1. nbenn

    Efficiency and Battery Heating

    Question I have from looking at forums from people discussing how to increase their miles per kwh. Is it more cost efficient (less energy used in total) to just drive away cold (as long as you don't need the distance) rather than heating battery before driving each time? Do you end up using...
  2. fshuk1

    Charging efficiency

    I am charging my SE SR car using granny cable at home. My electricity use shows 2.3kW being used. My iSmart app shows 1.87kW charging power. This is a loss of 19%. My question is if you charge using the granny chargers what does your iSmart show as charging power and also what is your efficiency...
  3. T

    Gently, gently catchee monkee - MG5 efficiency with light foot

    If you hate efficiency look away now ... ;) Forgot to charge overnight so when it came to my 45 mile drive to work this morning I was super careful to drive as efficiently as possible, in order to make it there with as much charge as possible. Started with 31% battery, outside temp 7°C, got to...
  4. D

    Mods for Efficiency

    Has anyone considered what could be modded to improve the efficiency on the ZS? Some things have been discussed before like tyre pressure, but what about changing the aerial, different body mouldings? tinting glass, to improve summer AC usage, or even replace the wing mirrors with cameras etc...
  5. TonyWilk

    MG4 Charging efficiency

    I'm using the 'Granny charger' that came with the car (MG4 Trophy) and plugged it into a cheap 'Energy Monitor' to get some idea of how much 'leccy I'm using. Just charged from 48% to 80% which should be nearly 20kwh, the meter said 25.1kwh which is about 80% efficient. Anyone else got numbers...
  6. BugEyed

    MG4 efficiency - impossible to run fan without heater on

    The original Gen 1 Mark 1 Nissan LEAF had a PTC heater rather than the heat pump of most later models. A "feature" of the set up was that it wasn't possible to run the fan without the PTC heater running, regardless of the temperature set on the climate control or outside. So even in say 30C...
  7. J

    MG4 Motorway Hypermiling efficiency 55 to 60 mph...

    Hi everyone, I can find a lot of hypermiling tests on Cars like the Kona electric etc driving between 55 to 60 and getting 5 kwh and above. If anyone has done this or planning to please update this thread on your MG4!
  8. J

    What's your MG4 Motorway Efficiency & what Speed etc are you doing to get that ?

    What is your MG4 motorway efficiency and whats speed and settings did you put to achieve that...
  9. Nigelleics

    Motorway efficiency test MG4 Trophy

    Hi. I thought I'd spend this nice day seeing what difference it made changing the Regen settings and testing the efficiency at gentle motorway speeds. I did 2 runs of 27 mile there, 27 mile back along the A46 dual carriageway from North Leicester to Newark. This allowed a clear run with no...
  10. Ivan

    MG ZS EV adaptive cruise control efficiency

    Hello, everyone. As good as the car is, the adaptive cruise control can be really improved as now it gives me 15% INCREASE of energy USAGE compared to the same distance driven without using it. And it blocks the KERS system as well, and now this is outrageous. Any ideas how to bypass this and...
  11. grayoo

    Efficiency - Miles/kWh

    Can the display show this, or do you have to calculate it yourself?
  12. KiwiEV

    MY22 ZS aero wheel cover off efficiency

    MY22 ZS aero wheel cover off efficiency This thread is addressed to those folks who have the new MY22 ZS EV. Are you driving with the aero wheel covers on or off? The alloy wheel behind the glossy wheel cover is a good design in my opinion. If there is an impact to efficiency, I would want to...
  13. gonzoB

    Measuring charging efficiency

    Hi all. My ZS has done about 12k km, and is averaging 16.5 kWh per 100km (6.1km/kWh, or 3.8 mi/kWh). That's calculated from the energy in as measured by my EO charger. I've not reset my cumulative trip counter for a while, and that says I'm using 14.4 kWh per 100km. So this tells me that my...
  14. Flat top

    MG ZS EV Long Range Real World Efficiency

    Hi all, just wondering if there any owners of the new ZS Long range that can share their real world efficiency & range please. I still have one on order & am waiting as patiently as I can be :). It should have been with me in Jan, now it looks like its going to be June/July. I am trying to...
  15. D

    ICE vs EV: Energy efficiency, an excellent overview ?

    Hi all, I stumbled across this on YouTube yesterday. The title doesn’t really do it justice, as it appears to be about towing with an EV. However, that is just one aspect which is addressed In addition to many others. I watched it as I’ve seen others by the same guy & was really impressed at...
  16. Pricey

    Motorway Efficiency?

    Just completed first set of long journeys - Yorkshire to Sussex and back through half term. Way down, had cruise set at 65mph and got 4.3m/kWh. Charged once back to 80something%. Way back, decided to see what happened with cruise at 70mph. But we were only getting 3.5m/kWh which meant my maths...
  17. Lovemyev

    MG ZS EV Battery Efficiency & Range - 8 Month Update.

    This may make interesting reading for some members ?.
  18. P

    Charging efficiency.

    Having suffered from the bad BMS software I've been gathering data on how many kWh my battery has been able to charge empty to full. I'm glad to say it has recovered.most of its capacity and is now taking in around 40kwh according to my OHME charger this compares to around just 30kwh at the...
  19. SCB86

    Eco vs Normal; efficiency.

    I have done 1300 miles in my ZS so far and almost all of them in Eco mode. I don't mind Eco mode as it's smooth and promotes relaxed driving. Tonight I did a trip in Eco and then the exact same journey in Normal mode. Everything was the same - heater, heated seats, stereo, max regen and using...
  20. Mark Holmes

    Efficiency test - miles to KWh

    Interesting results this morning, which I thought I’d share, please see the attached photos..I did a test this morning to see the difference in KWH with heating on and difference in speed, outside temp 3 - 4 degrees Test 1 Heating on and mainly 70 mph on the motor way to Sheppy - 43.5 miles...
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