I have just watched a facinating video from Fully Charged show with Quintin Wison. Although this was from 7 months ago it backs up why I originally wrote this thread.
Back to the original topic of my thread what do others think of the state of Service area charging in the whole UK? Have I just been unfortunate in my experience of the South West motorway system?
Is it better or worse in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?
As it happens I don't travel often on motorways. Probably only 4 or 5 long trips in a year. Your knowledge and experience would really help others who need to take long trips with their planning.
evcog (Colin)
Back to the original topic of my thread what do others think of the state of Service area charging in the whole UK? Have I just been unfortunate in my experience of the South West motorway system?
Is it better or worse in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?
As it happens I don't travel often on motorways. Probably only 4 or 5 long trips in a year. Your knowledge and experience would really help others who need to take long trips with their planning.
evcog (Colin)