My wife and I picked up our brand new MG ZS EV from the dealer last Wednesday (24th) lunch - oh happy day! A few afternoon errands, then my wife was driving out to a post-COVID dinner gathering when the computer spat the dummy, shouted a range of alarms and then shut down the car. She was fortunate the road was not to busy and she was able to pull off the road onto a relatively flat platform. But with no 12V battery she could not put the car in park nor activate the parking brake

- fortunately a friend was able to come with a brick to stop the car rolling when she lifted her foot from the brake.
Then proceeded a rigmarole to call out roadside assistance to verify the 12V battery was completely flat, another wait for a tow back to the dealer, and calls and queries to figure out what is going on? There's clearly both a physical and a computer problem.
By Friday the dealer workshop determined that the 12V battery is dead, and MG tech support instructed ordering a new one, which might turn up tomorrow. Then we need to be convinced as to why the rate of discharge exceeded the 12V charging. Need to find a way to fall in love again (with the car

MG are now saying there's a batch of faulty batteries - curious to know if anyone else has come across the like?
We're also new to electric parking brakes - interested to learn from others' experiences like this?